
Paying by Bpay or Australia Post

To pay your entire debt with or Australia Post, you need to generate your unique payment number. This is found on your Fee Statement/Tax Invoice.

To get your Fee Statement/Tax Invoice  emailed to you, go to View Account Details menu under My Finances:

Screenshot showing Email my Fee Statement/Tax Invoice for the last 30 days

Your Fee Statement/ Tax Invoice will look like the screenshot below.

On the bottom of this statement you will find the BPay Biller Code and Reference No. required to make payments via an internet banking service.

Important Information:

Payments made by BPay or Australia Post are done in accordance with the Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy and are made in order of:

1 - Due Date
2 - Financial Category Priority
3 - Transaction Date

Payment of specific fees must be done through the credit card payment facility of eStudent or in person.