
My Scholarship Applications

番茄社区 has a variety of scholarships on offer that can provide you with financial assistance. The full range of available scholarships can be found on the Scholarships, Bursaries and Grants. This page will cover how to apply for and access scholarships via eStudent.

You can apply for the following scholarships via the My Scholarship Applications tab in eStudent:

Equity Scholarships and Grants (番茄社区 Access Fund)

  • 番茄社区 Access Scholarship
  • 番茄社区 Access Bursary
  • 番茄社区 Support Grant

Competitive Scholarships for Research Students

  • Australian Postgraduate Award (APA)
  • AIMS@番茄社区 Scholarship

Prospective research students should apply for their research course via the My Course Applications tab prior to submitting a scholarship application.

Follow these steps to apply for a scholarship via eStudent.

  • Click on the Apply for Scholarship button (refer to the screenshot below).

    Example of Apply for Scholarship button

  • Untick the Eligible Scholarships Only flag, then click on the Search button (scholarships will appear in the grid - you can read the official scholarship description to determine if you are eligible to apply).
  • Check details in the Available column (any scholarship that has Open for Application indicates that applications are being accepted).
  • Click on the Select button next to the scholarship you wish to apply for (refer to the screenshot below).Screenshot showing available scholarships after a search has been completed.
  • Click on the Apply button next to the scholarship you wish to apply for (refer to screenshot below).I want to continue and make an Application for the selected scholarship screenshot
  • Click on the Scholarship Application Conditions and Declaration link in the information box (refer to the screenshot below). This page will open in a new web browser tab.Screenshot showing Scholarship Application Conditions and Declaration link.
  • If you accept the conditions and declaration, click on the eStudent tab in your web browser to return to the Scholarship Application: Change Details page.
  • Check the Scholarship Name, Year (of offering) and Period (of offering).The Application Status will remain at Incomplete until the proceeding questions are answered and confirmed (note that the Application Date will default to today's date).
  • Note: Documents to support your application are to be attached on this page. Read the details of each required document listed in the Supporting Documentation section (make sure you take note of document requirements that are marked as mandatory).

Follow these steps to upload supporting documentation to your scholarship application:

  • For each document requirement, indicate if you intend to submit a physical copy of the document in person by clicking on No or Yes in the dropdown box.

Note: 番茄社区 prefers documents to be provided electronically (refer to the screenshot below).Example Supporting Document Requirements information

  • To attach a document, click on the upload a new file link (refer to the screenshot below).Screenshot showing Upload a new file link
  • Click on the Browse button to open your computer’s File Upload window. Find and select the document you wish to attach, and click Open.

Click the Add Another link for each additional file you would like to attach for that particular document requirement (refer to the screenshot below).Screenshot showing file upload buttons, Browse, Add Another and Upload File(s).

  • Click the Upload File(s) button to attach the document/s (refer to the screenshot above).
  • Files attached successfully will appear as follows with a status of Received. Click on the Delete button if you have attached the wrong file and wish to detach it (refer to the screenshot below).

Screenshot showing Attached Files and Delete Action button.

  • Answer the Application Questions by entering text in the requested format, or selecting the appropriate value in the dropdown list (if provided). Remember to attach any supporting documents in the Supporting Documentation section above. Skip the question if it is not applicable to you.
  • Click on the Confirm button to save your application (refer to the screenshot below) and agree to the Scholarship Application Conditions and Declaration.

Confirm button screenshot

  • The following confirmation message will display along with any document details you have advised will be submitted in hard copy (refer to the screenshot below).

Example confirmation message including document details

  • Click on the Return to the Scholarship Application: Summary page button.

Return to the Scholarships Application Summary page button screenshot.

  • Check the Application Status is displayed as Unassessed for the scholarship you have applied for (refer to the screenshot below).Screenshot showing Application Status as unassessed

If the Application Status is Incomplete, the application has not been submitted and will not be assessed. If your intention is to apply for this scholarship, select the Modify button and finalise the application. If you do not intend to apply, select the Withdraw button.

A scholarship application can be cancelled ONLY after selecting a scholarship on the Find a Scholarship page and PRIOR to selecting a scholarship round on the Select Scholarship Round page.

Once you have clicked on the Apply button on the Select Scholarship Round page, the scholarship application cannot be cancelled; however it can be withdrawn.

To cancel a scholarship application, and return to the Scholarship Application: Summary page, click on the Cancel button (refer to the screenshot below).

Screenshot showing cancel button

You can view, modify or withdraw any of your scholarship applications via the My Scholarship Applications tab. From the Scholarship Application: Summary page, click on the View, Modify or Withdraw button next to the scholarship application (refer to the screenshot below).

Screenshot showing View, Modify  and Withdraw buttons

View Button

If the View button is selected, details of the scholarship application will be displayed. The buttons on the bottom of the Scholarship Application: View Details page allow you to:

  1. Change the details of this Scholarship Application
  2. Withdraw from the scholarship
  3. Return to the Scholarships Application: Summary page

Screenshot showing  Change the details of this scholarship application Withdraw from this Scholarship Application Return to the Scholarship Application: Summary page

Modify Button

If the Modify button is selected, details of the scholarship application will be displayed. Amend any information as required.

The buttons on the bottom of the Scholarship Application: Change Details page allow you to:

  1. Confirm details of any changes made
  2. Return to the Scholarships Application: Summary page
  3. Return to the Find a Scholarship page

Screenshot showing 3 buttons - Confirm Return to the Scholarship Application summary page Return to the Find a Scholarship page

If Confirm is selected the following confirmation message will appear:

Confirm confirmation message example

Withdraw Button

If the Withdraw button is selected details of the scholarship application will be displayed and you can confirm your withdrawal. Click the Confirm Withdrawal button.

Screenshot Scholarship Application Withdrawal window used to confirm withdrawal

The following confirmation message will appear:

Withdrawal Confirmation success message.