
Enrolling in subjects

eStudent allows you to enrol in subjects from your Study Plan.  These can be Core (C), Option (O) or (E) Elective subjects.

If you are enrolling in an option or elective, you may need to add the subjects to your Study Plan first.

Before you actually enrol, you may wish to view some of the following pages:

All campuses

Campuses except Singapore and Brisbane

Singapore Campus
Brisbane Campus1

If you have more specific questions, see your Student Centre or an Academic Advisor.

In most courses there is considerable freedom for you to choose the subjects you wish to study. However, when you select your subjects, you should consider its suitability to your course and your personal areas of interest. We recommend you take some time with your selection as, ultimately, it is your course and your choice. To assist you, eStudent offers a feature called the potential enrolments list.

Subjects can sometimes have multiple availabilities (e.g. campus, study period and/or attendance mode). You can choose the availability you want by selecting it from the drop down menu (refer to the screenshots below).

When a subject has multiple availabilities, it will look like this:Screenshot showing an example of a component with several availabilities.

When a subject only has one availability, it will look like this:
Example of a component with only 1 availability.

Once you have chosen an availability tick the Enrol? checkbox. If you are then wanting to add the checked subject to your Potential Enrolment List, click the Enrol in Selected Subjects button (refer to the screenshots below).Screenshot showing a subject with the enrol checkbox selected.Screenshot showing Enrol in Selected Subjects button.

Your Potential Enrolments List is much like an online shopping cart, it includes all the subjects you have selected by checking the Enrol? Box and clicking on Enrol in Selected Subjects... Process to enrol. As such, you are not enrolled in the subjects until you actually confirm your enrolment in these subjects. This is like going to the checkout when using an online shopping cart facility. See below for details.

The Potential Enrolment List allows you to:

  • View subjects, availability details, and additional information before enrolling
  • Select and enrol in only those subjects you wish to enrol in

To enrol in subjects on your Potential Enrolment List (refer to the screenshot below):

  • Ensure the subjects you wish to enrol in are ticked (they will be shaded green, as in the image below)
  • Select the Confirm Enrolment buttonScreenshot showing Potential Enrolment List with subject available and Confirm Enrolment and Go Back/Change buttons.
  • If your enrolment is successful, you will receive a green success message and a green tick next to the subject (refer to the screenshot below)Screenshot showing green successful enrolment message and green tick next to subject. Example of buttons Return to my Study Plan, Choose a Different Study Plan, Withdraw from Subject and Print.
  • When you return to your Study Plan Details page, the subject will be displayed as Enrolled (refer to the screenshot below)Screenshot showing component displayed as Enrolled on the Study Plan Details page.

1 番茄社区 partners with Russo Higher Education Pty Ltd to deliver the programs available at our Brisbane campus.