
Contact Details

As a condition of your Student Contract with 番茄社区, you must ensure you keep your contact details up-to-date. This includes your address, phone number/s, email address/es, and emergency contract/s. This page will assist you in maintaining these contact details.

Up to five different address types may be recorded in eStudent, but only one may be nominated as your preferred mailing address:

  • Postal: Postal address for the current teaching period.

  • Semester Residential: Residential address during semester.

  • Home Residential:  Your permanent home address.

  • Emergency Contact: Address of your next of kin.

  • Graduation Address: Address used for graduation communications.

NOTE: All 番茄社区 hardcopy correspondence is sent to your nominated preferred mailing address.

To add new address, follow these steps:

Australian addresses MUST include Suburb/Town, State and Postcode details. You MUST match your postcode to your suburb (e.g. Suburb: Annandale; Postcode: 4814).

Addresses OUTSIDE Australia must ONLY be entered in Address lines 1, 2 & 3.

  • Click the Add New button
    Screenshot showing Add New button

  • Select the available Address Type from the dropdown list

Note: If adding a Temporary Preferred Address Type, Start and End Dates must be recorded.  Use calendar icons or enter the date directly into the fields.

  • Enter new address details into the required fields

    Screenshot showing Address Type, Start Date, End Date, Address line 1, Address line 2, Address line 3, Suburb/Town, State, Postcode, Country fields

  • Click the Save button
    Screenshot showing Save button

To change your address details:

  • Click the Edit button
    Screenshot showing Edit button

  • Enter updated address details into the required fields

    • Click the Save buttonA save button
    • You can also easily copy an address to one or more address types by selecting the appropriate box/s before saving.

Screenshot showing Copy this Address Detail to, Emergency Contact, Home Residential, Semester Residential and Graduation Address check boxes.

To copy a current address:

  • Click the Copy button

  • Check the box/s of the address/s you wish to copy

  • Click Copy buttonScreenshot showing checkboxes and copy button

  • A Success confirmation screen will display

    Screenshot showing Success message for coping address from one type to another type/s

Selecting preferred mailing address:

  • Click the Make preferred button 
    Screenshot showing what Make Preferred button looks like.

The selected address is now your preferred mailing address and is identified in the address table below.

preferred mailing address screenshot.

Note: If adding a new address (except in the case of Temporary Preferred Address Types) you are given the option to select I want to make this my Preferred Mailing address.

Screenshot showing the I want to make this my Preferred Mailing Address checkbox

You can provide up to five different types of telephone contact numbers.

These are:

  • Permanent home phone

  • Semester home phone

  • Mobile phone

  • Fax number

  • Work phone

Change phone number details:

  • Click on the Add New, Edit or Delete button/s as required

    Screenshot showing Add New, Edit and Delete buttons

  • Add or modify your phone details as required

  • Click Save

Note:  You can add a comment for a phone number if required.

Screenshot showing Phone > Change details window where you can add or modify phone details and use save button

番茄社区 staff use the 番茄社区 email network to communicate with you. It is important that you access your emails on a regular basis - at least once a week.

番茄社区 communicates only through @my.jcu.edu.au email addresses. If you choose to use your personal email address, it is important that you email to this address and keep it current.

If you choose to correspond with 番茄社区 by email, you MUST do so from your @my.jcu.edu.au email account to prove your identity.

To change personal email address details:

  • Click on the Add New or Delete button

    My Email Addresses screenshot showing Add New and Delete button.

The email type automatically defaults to Personal Email

  • Enter your personal email address, select whether the current status of your email is active or inactive and add a comment, if necessary

  • Click Save

    Screenshot showing Email > Change Details window and fields Email Type, Email Address, Email Status and Email Comment

You can add and change details for your emergency contact person in eStudent. It is a requirement of 番茄社区 that these details are up-to-date.

  • To change emergency contact details, click the Edit button

    Screenshot showing Edit and Delete buttons for Emergency Contact.

  • Enter the appropriate details into the required fields

  • Click Save

    Screenshot showing window where you can add or modify your emergency contact details.  Fields include Contact name, Relationship, Home Phone, Work Phone, Mobile Phone