
Changing disability details

You can advise us of any changes or any disabilities not currently recorded via the Disability Details tab in eStudent.  You can also easily view 番茄社区’s current record of any disabilities you may have.

The first time you log in to eStudent you will be asked to confirm your disability details. You are required to check this information and confirm it is correct through the My Details tab in eStudent. Students who can enrol online MUST do this before they will be able to enrol. If you have not already confirmed your details an error message will display, follow the links to confirm your details.

  • To confirm your current details are correct go to My Details > Disability Details

  • To change or update your disability details click on the Update button
    Screenshot showing Update button

  • Answer Yes or No to ‘Do you have a disability, injury, illness and/or health condition?’
    Screenshot showing Yes or No dropdown list selection

If you answered NO, you will see the following message and have then completed the process.

Screenshot showing Success, Your disability details have been successfully saved message.

If you answered YES, you will be directed to a page that will ask you for further information.

  • Select the category/ies of your disability by checking the corresponding box

    Screenshot showing Hearing, Learning, Mobility, Vision, Medication or Other checkbox options.

  • Answer Yes or No to ‘Are you interested in accessing support from AccessAbility Services?’

    Screenshot showing dropdown with No and Yes options.

  • If you answered NO, click on the Save button to complete the process
    Screenshot showing Success, Your disability details have been successfully saved message.

You will see the following message and have then completed the process.

Screenshot showing Success, Your disability details have been successfully saved message.

  • If you answered YES, additional I require the following support… options will display where you can provide further details. Select category/ies of support required by checking the corresponding box/es 
    Screenshot showing I require the following support options checkboxes, Exam Support, Vision Support, Medical Support, Hearing Support, Mobility Support, Other Support and Learning Support.

  • Click on the Save button to complete the process
    Screenshot showing Save button.

You will see the following message and have then completed the process.

Screenshot showing Success, Your disability details have been successfully saved message.