
Accepting an Offer

QTAC, direct domestic students and 番茄社区B domestic students (excluding 番茄社区 Singapore and Higher Degree Research) are now able to accept their offers via eStudent.

To accept your offer:

Screenshot showing Offer Status and View button used to start the Accepting an Offer process.

  • Click on the My Offers tab in eStudent

  • Check the Offer Status is ‘Offered’ on the required course

  • Click on the View button next to your course

  • You will be taken to the Offers > Offer Details page

If you have unmet conditions you are NOT able to accept your offer online and a warning message will be displayed:

Screenshot showing the Warning message 'Your offer cannot be accepted as you have not met all the following offer conditions' with details of the condition that is outstanding.

If you don’t have conditions or have met required conditions you can:

  • Click on the link to the Terms of Agreement and carefully read the documentation provided.  When you accept your Offer, you agree to be bound by the Terms of Agreement.

Screenshot showing link to Terms of Agreement link.

  • Check the information listed is for the correct course, as per the example below.Course example screenshot
  • Click on the Accept this Offer and Terms of Agreement button. If the information is incorrect or you do not wish to accept the offer listed click on the Close button.

Screenshot showing Accept this Offer and Terms of Agreement and Close buttons Note: Once you have accepted your offer, you are not able to change your selection online. Contact Admissions@jcu.edu.au or admissions@jcub.edu.au (Brisbane students only) for any enquiries or to decline or defer an offer.

  • If you choose to accept your offer and your request is processed successfully one of the following two types of success messages will be displayed:

Success Message 1: This message displays if your acceptance is successful and you have been automatically admitted into your course. You can now complete your Commonwealth assistance form (if applicable) and once approved, enrol in required subjects.Success Message 1 - Your offer...has been accepted.

Success Message 2: This message displays if your acceptance is late and you have not been automatically admitted to your course. Please wait one working day before trying to enrol in subjects. You may like to complete your Commonwealth assistance form while you are waiting (if applicable).Success Message 2 - Offer accepted but not admitted. Please wait one working day before attempting to enrol in subjects.