
State of the Tropics Publications 2017 State of the Tropics report

2017 State of the Tropics report

Sustainable Infrastructure in the Tropics

New research by the State of the Tropics project reveals US $30 trillion needs to be spent in the Tropics by 2030 to provide sustainable infrastructure for the billions of people who call the tropical region home.

Providing sustainable infrastructure will be essential to achieving the world’s targets for sustainable development and ending poverty by 2030 as defined by the United Nations’ .

The report takes stock of the state of infrastructure across different parts of the Tropics and identifies key gaps, needs and issues in order to achieve these goals for the region.

Globally, it's estimated that almost US$3.5 trillion needs to be spent every year to meet requirements for energy, transport, telecommunications, water, and sanitation.

The report emphasises that a key challenge lies in balancing the great potential economic and social benefits of developing infrastructure while ensuring it is equitably distributed and environmentally sustainable.
