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Prospective Students

We support advanced postgraduate studies in coastal ecology. SICEM has postgraduate positions available at Honours, Masters and PhD levels.

If you are interested in working with us and want to learn about upcoming projects or share a proposal, you can contact us by email.

Our students conduct research in areas of coastal, wetland and estuarine ecology, fisheries ecology, climate change impacts, ecosystem repair and many related areas. Many of our students are engaged in cross-disciplinary research; combining marine biology with social science, history, management and science communication.

In addition to diverse ecosystems research, our students focus on a broad range of animals, including fish, sharks, invertebrates and sea turtles. Their projects employ many different methods, including traditional net, trap and grab sampling, GIS, video, remotely operated underwater vehicle (RoV), sonar, acoustic tagging, stable isotope and micro-chemical techniques.