
番茄社区 Companies and Joint Ventures

番茄社区 (番茄社区) is a body corporate under the (the 番茄社区 Act). Under Section 7 of the 番茄社区 Act, the governing body is the Council. Under Section 61 of the 番茄社区 Act, 番茄社区 may be a member of, form, take part in forming, or manage a corporation, and under Section 6 of the 番茄社区 Act, 番茄社区 has all the powers of an individual to enter into contracts.

From time to time, 番茄社区 forms or becomes a member or shareholder in companies and joint ventures. These are categorised as controlled entities, non-controlled entities, affiliated companies, or joint ventures. Information in relation to each of these categories is contained, or accessed, via reference to this website.


Controlled Entities are entities which are under the control of 番茄社区 as assessed under the Corporations Act 2001 (Section 50AA), as referenced in the 番茄社区 Controlled and Non-Controlled Entities Policy (the Policy).

Non-Controlled Entities are Entities, as defined in the Policy, which are not Controlled Entities. They will often be research or research commercialisation related and in some cases 番茄社区's interest will be a minor one. In the case of Non-Controlled Entities, the board may or may not include a director who is a 番茄社区 employee.

Affiliated Entities are entities where 番茄社区 is not a member or shareholder, but, because of the close connection between the activities of the 番茄社区 and the affiliated entity, the board includes 番茄社区 employees who have been requested to act in that role. Examples include some of the board members of each of the Australian Foundation for Literary Studies and the 番茄社区 in America Foundation.

Joint Ventures may be incorporated or unincorporated and the term is one which has a variety of meanings. It is important to note that, depending on the nature of the activities of the joint venture, 番茄社区's participation in a joint venture may require the approval of the Treasurer under the .

Key Contacts

Contact the Manager, Commercial Operations:

Information about entities other than 番茄社区 Controlled Entities can be obtained by contacting the Manager, Commercial Operations as above.