
Policy Corporate Governance Controlled and Non-Controlled Entities Policy

Controlled and Non-Controlled Entities Policy


To provide a framework within which 番茄社区 will acquire and manage ownership or other significant interests in an Entity in keeping with its powers under section 61 of the .

This policy has been drafted to be compatible with the Voluntary Code of Best Practice for the Governance of Australian Universities to which 番茄社区 seeks to adhere.


The establishment, acquisition and disposal of interests by 番茄社区 in controlled and non-controlled entities including companies, trusts, joint ventures and partnerships.


Acquisition means the acquisition by any means, with or without consideration, and includes the formation or taking part in an Entity. “Acquire” has a like meaning.

Affiliated Company means a company or other like entity where a director is on the board at the specific request and direction of 番茄社区 and 番茄社区 has no interest in the company or entity by way of shareholding or membership,

Board means the board, governing body or ultimate management committee of an Entity.

Companies Coordinator means the person holding this or a like position at 番茄社区.

Company Limited by Guarantee means a company limited by guarantee under the Corporations Act

Controlled Entity means an Entity that is subject to the control of another entity in terms of section 50AA of the Corporations Act. In essence, an entity has the capacity to control a second entity if the first entity has the capacity to determine the outcome of decisions about the second entity’s decisions and policy making.

Controlled Interest means an interest which has, or will have, the consequence that the Entity is a Controlled Entity of 番茄社区. The term includes the increase by 番茄社区 of a Controlled Interest.

Corporations Act means the

Council means the Council of 番茄社区.

Disposal means the disposal by any means, with or without consideration, and includes sale, transfer and surrender.  “Dispose” has a like meaning.

Director means a person who is a director or member of a Board or a trustee.

DVC SR means the Deputy Vice Chancellor Services and Resources

Entity means a partnership or joint venture (whether incorporated or unincorporated), a trust, company or like body corporate, which is, or is intended to be, either a Controlled Entity or a Non-Controlled Entity.

Foundation Document means a constitution, trust deed, partnership agreement or joint venture agreement.

Incorporated Association means an association which is incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act (Qld)

Interest in an Entity means any interest in an Entity, whether a Controlled Interest or a Non-Controlled Interest, and includes:

  • The acquisition of a share in a company;
  • The acquisition of a unit in a trust, or becoming a beneficiary in a trust
  • Participation in a joint venture; and
  • Becoming a partner in a partnership.

The term excludes any investment in the ordinary course by 番茄社区 in publicly listed companies or trusts.

番茄社区 Act means the .

Non-Controlled Entity means an Entity which is not a Controlled Entity

Non-Controlled Interest means an interest which is not a Controlled Interest.

Vice Chancellor means the Vice Chancellor of 番茄社区.

Policy and Procedures

1. Reasons for Acquiring an Interest in an Entity

1.1 Reasons for which 番茄社区 may Acquire an Interest in an Entity (whether a Controlled or Non-Controlled Interest) include -

a) to provide a more appropriate governance framework for the management of specialised functions of 番茄社区;

b) to separate the management of non-core functions of 番茄社区 from core functions;

c) to provide for a level of independence in the decision making or operation of a function of 番茄社区;

d) to enable 番茄社区 to establish a more flexible operational environment for the purpose of the management of specific functions of 番茄社区;

e) to act as a holding entity or trustee for specific activities of 番茄社区; and

f) to assist 番茄社区 in its objectives as contemplated by section 61 of the 番茄社区 Act.

2. Acquisitions of an Interest in an Entity

2.1 Subject to clause 8.1, Acquisitions of an Interest in an Entity (whether a Controlled Interest or a Non-Controlled Interest) require the prior approval of Council.

2.2 For the avoidance of doubt, any increase in the size of an Interest in an Entity also requires approval of Council.

2.3 All applications to Council for approval under this policy should where ever possible include the following information:

a) the reason for the Acquisition;

b) the background circumstances and the proposed 番茄社区 interest;

c) the business case for the Acquisition;

d) any relevant due diligence process carried out or to be carried out;

e) risk assessment, including workplace health and safety, which has been or will  be carried out;

f) the benefit to 番茄社区 of the Acquisition;

g) key documents;

h) relevant financial information including the most recent financial statements and or budgets;

i) relevant commercial considerations;

j) an overview of the structure of the Entity and its Board;

k) an overview of the existing and /or proposed membership of the Entity and its Board;

l) consideration of academic, student related, human resources or quality assurance issues;

m) matters relating to intellectual property;

n) matters relating to 番茄社区 corporate identifiers and their use, if any;

o) the Entity name;

p) dispute resolution procedures;

q) other governance related matters.

3. Disposal of an Interest in an Entity

3.1 All Disposals of an Interest in an Entity, (whether a Controlled Interest or a Non-Controlled Interest) require the prior approval of Council.

3.2 The Vice Chancellor may refer any proposed Disposal to Finance Committee or Council for comment.

3.3 The Vice Chancellor shall report to Council on all Disposals or proposed Disposals in accordance with this policy including the reasons and background circumstances for the Disposal or proposed Disposal.

3.4 This clause takes effect subject to clause 8.1.

4. Negotiations for Acquisitions and Disposal of an Interest

4.1 Each of the Vice Chancellor and the DVC SR may authorise 番茄社区 officers to negotiate with third parties in relation to a proposed Acquisition or Disposal on the basis that-

a) such officers keep the Vice Chancellor or the DVC SR (as the case may be) informed; and

b) the requirements of this Policy are complied with.

5. Constitution and Trust Deeds for Entities

5.1 The terms of Foundation Documents for Controlled Entities must be approved by Council.

5.2 The terms of Foundation Documents (and any amendments) for Non-Controlled Entities must be approved by the DVC SR;

5.3 Amendments to Foundation Documents for Controlled Entities must be approved by Council.

6. Boards

6.1 Unless a Foundation Document otherwise provides, all Board members who are representatives of 番茄社区 must hold a Certificate of Approval from the Vice Chancellor which may be withdrawn at any time at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor. In the case of Entities which include or will include the Vice Chancellor, this requirement is met if the Certificate of Approval for the Vice Chancellor is signed by the Chancellor.

7. Oversight of 番茄社区 Controlled and Non-Controlled Entities

7.1 Council is responsible to ensure that-

a)  the Board of Controlled Entities possess the skills, knowledge and experience necessary to provide proper stewardship and control of the Entities;

b)  the Board of Controlled Entities contains members who are not members of Council, 番茄社区 officers or a student of 番茄社区;

c)  each Controlled Entity reports on, and updates 番茄社区 annually, on its long term objectives including an annual business plan containing achievable and measureable performance targets and milestones;

d)  each Entity adopts and regularly evaluates a written statement of its own governance principles;

e)  each Entity has a clear corporate and business strategy – which may be contained in a business plan.

7.2 Council is responsible to-

a) assess risks in all Controlled Entities;

b) where ever possible ensure that it obtains an auditor’s report for 番茄社区’s interests in Non-Controlled Entities (refer also clause 9).

7.3 The shareholder of the Non-Controlled Entity is responsible to assess risks in Non-Controlled Entities using information available to it, including via any director of the entity who is a 番茄社区 employee.

7.4 Subject to clauses 7.1 and 7.2, oversight of 番茄社区 Controlled Entities and 番茄社区 Non-Controlled Entities rests with the DVC SR

7.5 The Companies Coordinator is responsible for maintaining a register of 番茄社区’s interests in all Entities.

8. Companies Limited by Guarantee/ Incorporated Association

8.1 The Vice Chancellor may approve 番茄社区 becoming a member of a Company Limited by    Guarantee or an Incorporated Association  where-

a) the company or association  will be a Non-Controlled Entity; and

b) there is no financial commitment on the part of 番茄社区  to fund the operations or capital of the company (other than any agreement to pay for services provided by the company to 番茄社区).

8.2 In cases where the Vice Chancellor has approved 番茄社区 becoming a member of a Company Limited by Guarantee or an Incorporated Association, the Vice Chancellor may approve 番茄社区 ceasing to be a member of such company or association.

8.3 In cases where there is a financial commitment on the part of 番茄社区 to fund the operations or capital of the company, then approval of Council is required.

9. Audit

9.1 All Controlled Entities must be audited by Queensland Audit Office or by other arrangements approved by Queensland Audit Office.

10. Affiliated Companies

10.1 The Vice Chancellor may request an employee of 番茄社区 to become a director of a company or like entity, regardless of whether 番茄社区 has a shareholding or financial interest in the company or entity, where it is considered to be in the interests of 番茄社区 that this should occur.

Related documents, legislation or 番茄社区 Statutes

Approval Details

NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainCorporate Governance
Policy Sub-domainCouncil Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority


Date for next Major Review


Modification History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date






Minor amendments to include recognition of an ‘Affiliated Company’.

Executive Advisor, Strategic Projects




Policy sponsor and approval authority amended in accordance with the approved Policy and Delegations Framework

Author: Quality, Standards and Policy Office





‘Interim’ removed from title and amendments to 2.3 (e) and to Clause 3 (3.1) approved by Council 28/02/2013





New policy approved by the Vice-Chancellor as an Interim Policy