
RDIM Frequently Asked Questions I am writing data chapters and want to publish my data as I go rather than at the end of my research project - how do I do this in Research Data 番茄社区?

I am writing data chapters and want to publish my data as I go rather than at the end of my research project - how do I do this in Research Data 番茄社区?

Because you are publishing data as you go, you will only need to have one Data Record. From that Data Record you are then able to create multiple Data Publications (i.e. a Data Publication for every chapter you publish) e.g.

  • RDMP
    • Data Record
      • Data Publication 1 (Chapter 1)
      • Data Publication 2 (Chapter 2)
      • Data Publication 3 (Chapter 3) etc

So let’s say you have created your Data Record and have also published Data Publication 1. When you are ready to create Data Publication 2, you simply update the Data Record.  These changes will automatically flow into your Data Publication 2.   This means that Data Publication 1 (that has already been published) will have the ‘older data’ from the original Data Record as it is already published.  Whilst changes can be made to Data Publication 1, this can only be done by a (Research Data 番茄社区) system reviewer. To organise amendments, contact researchdata@jcu.edu.au.