
Professional Experience Placement Placement Requirements The Townsville Hospital and Health Service Fire and Emergency Response Training

The Townsville Hospital and Health Service Fire and Emergency Response Training

The Townsville Hospital and Health Service (THHS) require all students doing a placement at any of the , including regional hospitals and community health centres to complete Fire & Evacuation training.

When undertaking a placement at the Townsville University Hospital, please complete training for the Main Hospital Building (Ground Level, Level 1, Level 2, Level 3) and the Sub Acute building. This certification is only valid for 12 months. If completing a placement at any of the other THHS facilities, please complete the training applicable to that facility.

(You must use your 番茄社区 email address to create your account).

Please email your certificate of completion to the Professional Experience Placement Unit and take a copy with you to your placement.

If you require assistance to complete the training, please refer to the Fire and Emergency Response Training User Guide