
Policy Academic Governance Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure

Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure


This procedure supports the Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy (particularly CP3, 5 and 7), Coursework Enrolment Policy and requirements under the . It outlines  adjustments which may apply to ensure students are not disadvantaged academically or financially due to their commitments to the Australian Defence Force, National Service or as an Elite Athlete.


This Procedure applies to all 番茄社区 students who are members of the Defence Force, National Service or recognised by the University as Elite Athletes.


Except where otherwise indicated in this policy, the definitions used in this policy are found in the Policy Glossary or the Coursework Enrolment Policy.

Australian Defence Force Members: Includes students who are full time members and reservists.

Elite Athlete: A person formally identified and recognised by the University as an elite athlete, coach, referee or umpire.

HESA: Higher Education Support Act 2003.


1.    A student who is currently enrolled at the Cairns or Townsville campuses  and who is an Australian Defence Force Member must provide the College Dean with:

1.1  a statement signed by an authorised officer of the Australian Defence Force detailing the dates and times when attendance at an Australian Defence Force commitment is to take place; or

1.2  a statement signed by an authorised officer of the Australian Defence Force detailing full-time service (eg as part of a peacekeeping or humanitarian aid operation); and

1.3  a list of subjects the student is currently studying that may be affected by Australian Defence Force commitment.

2.   A student who is currently enrolled at 番茄社区 Singapore campus and who is in the National Service must provide the Head of Academic Group with:

  • The National Service enlistment notice
  • a list of subjects the student is currently studying that may be affected by National Service commitment.

3.   A student who is currently enrolled at the Cairns or Townsville campuses and wishing to be recognised by the University as an Elite Athlete under the provisions of this Procedure must:

3.1  be recognised by one of the following organisations as an Elite Athlete, coach, referee or umpire:

  • ;
  • State Institutes or Academies of Sport;
  • ;
  • ;
  • Rugby Union Players’ Association;
  • ;
  • ;
  • ;
  • National squad members from Sport Australia funded sports;
  • Senior/head coaches from state and territory institutes/academies of sport, national teams from Sport Australia funded sports or participating professional sports; or

3.2   submit a request to the Elite Athlete Program Coordinator, as advised on the 番茄社区 Elite Athletes webpage for consideration of merit-based inclusion.

4.   A currently enrolled student who is recognised by the University as an Elite Athlete must provide the Elite Athlete Program Coordinators/with:

4.1  Evidence from their sporting organisation detailing the dates and times when attendance at an Elite Athlete sporting commitment is to take place; or

4.2  a statement signed by an authorised officer of their sporting organisation detailing training schedules and sporting commitments.

5.   The Elite Athlete Program Coordinator upon receipt of documentation received under Clause 4 and upon consultation with the Elite Athlete will provide a letter of support which can be provided to either Subject Coordinators or Examinations office.

6.   Upon receipt of a letter from either the Defence Force, National Service or the Elite Athlete Program Coordinator from either Clause 1, 2 or 5, the Subject Coordinator will;

6.1  arrange to provide learning materials in alternative formats if the student is unable to attend face-to-face classes during their Australian Defence Force, National Service or Elite Athlete commitment, where possible.

6.2  Consider applications for a variation to the due date for submission of an assessment task, where an Australian Defence Force, National Service or Elite Athlete commitment impacts a students’ ability to complete assessments within the required time.  Students must submit the request for variation prior to the due date of the assessment.

6.3  Consider applications for special consideration for the end of subject examination on the grounds of being required to attend Australian Defence Force training, National Service commitment or Elite Athlete sporting commitments.  The process for submitting applications is found in the Special Consideration Procedure.

7.   Upon receipt of a letter from either the Defence Force, National Service or the Elite Athlete Program Coordinator from either Clause 1, 2 or 5, Student Services will;

7.1  approve a deferral for the end of subject examination on the grounds of being required to attend Australian Defence Force training, National Service commitment or Elite Athlete sporting commitments.

8.   Where it becomes apparent after the census date that a student’s Australian Defence Force service commitments, National Service Commitment or Elite Athlete sporting commitments make it impracticable for them to complete the requirements of the subject/s within the current study period, the student may:

8.1  apply for remission of HELP debt, re-credit of HELP balance and/or refund of student contribution amounts or tuition fees; and

8.2   if withdrawing after the last date to withdraw without academic penalty apply in writing to the relevant Deputy Vice Chancellor for special consideration to withdraw from the subject without academic penalty (that is without a grade of fail on their academic record for subjects being undertaken in the current study period).

9.   Applications from Australian Defence Force Members for remission of HELP debt, re-credit of HELP balance and/or refund of student contribution amounts or tuition fees will be considered in accordance with , particularly Part 7, HESA, Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy and Domestic Student Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure.

The process for submitting applications is found in the Domestic Student Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure.

Requests to withdraw without academic penalty must be submitted before the end of the subjects’ study period.

Related policy instruments

Coursework Enrolment Policy

Domestic Student Fee Payments and Refunds Procedure

Learning, Teaching and Assessment Policy

Special Consideration Procedure

Student Fee Payments and Refunds Policy

Other related documents

Course and Subject Handbook

Student Forms

番茄社区 Elite Athletes



NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date






Procedure established to support the new Enrolment Policy and disestablish the Provisions for Defence Force Reservists Enrolled as 番茄社区 Students Policy and Elite Athlete Friendly University Policy

Associate Director, Student Enrolment and Client Services


Defence Force Reserve, Defence Reserves, Reservist, remission, HELP debt, peacekeeping, humanitarian aid operation, training, special consideration, College Dean, Subject Coordinator, special provision, elite athlete, coach, sportsman