
Policy Academic Governance Coursework Enrolment Policy

Coursework Enrolment Policy


This Policy outlines the management of coursework enrolment at 番茄社区 to support students in enrolment success and ensure compliance with regulatory requirements.


  1. The student is responsible for enrolment in their subjects in accordance with the Award Requirements for their course.
  2. The University will make the necessary information and reasonable services and support available to students to enable them to complete their enrolment.
  3. Evaluation of credit will demonstrate consistency, fairness and transparency in the decision-making process.


This policy applies to all undergraduate and postgraduate students undertaking award and non-award coursework courses and programs across all 番茄社区 campuses.   It includes candidates undertaking a research Award who enrol in coursework subjects as part of their research Award.


Except where otherwise indicated in this policy, the definitions used in this policy are found in the Policy Glossary or the various Procedures related to this Policy.

Reasonable Adjustments: Approval of flexible arrangements, support or modifications consistent with maintaining the academic integrity of the subject(s) and the student achieving all award requirements for the degree (or other qualification).

Study Load: any completed credit points undertaken by the student at 番茄社区. Completed credit points include those which have a result, either passed or failed or subjects that have been withdrawn with academic penalty.


  1. Each admitted student will be issued with a unique student identifier, denoting shared responsibility for:
    1. the University to collect and record information as it relates to the student's enrolment, under the University privacy policies, procedures and related privacy legislation; and
    2. the student to provide all information necessary to remain enrolled.
  2. Upon admission to the University, students agree to:
    1. the terms of  the Student Contract – Terms and Conditions,
    2. abide by the policies and procedures of the University;and
    3. assume liability for all fees, levies and charges directly arising from their enrolment.
  3. Students are required to manage their enrolment in subjects by the specified due dates published in Important Dates.
  4. Enrolled students must participate in learning activities and pass assessment requirements stipulated by the University to receive recognition for completion of the requirements of a subject.
  5. A student whose admission to a course has been discontinued and who wishes to return to study in the same course must  apply following  the Coursework Enrolment Procedure and the Admissions Policy. Any credit or subject completions previously granted will be reassessed in accordance with requirements of the Award stated in the most recent Course and Subject Handbook and the Credit Transfer Procedure.
  6. Subject  to any legislative requirements, the University may cancel a subject or course, or vary the requirements, content or structure of a subject or course at any time during the student’s enrolment.
  7. At the student’s request, the University may vary or withdraw a student's enrolment in subject/s or discontinue their admission in a course and noting financial or academic penalty may be associated with enrolment changes under the relevant Procedure.
  8. The University may vary or withdraw a student’s enrolment in subject/s or discontinue their admission in a course to meet the requirements of University policies and procedures including as an outcome of an appeal, academic progression or conduct matter.
  9. A student remains eligible to enrol in subjects until the student:
    1. has completed the requirements of the course; or
    2. has not incurred Study Load for a period of 12 months; or
    3. has been suspended or excluded due to a breach of the Student Contract or University policies and procedures.
  10. In some circumstances, a student wishing to take a break from study will need to apply for a leave of absence in accordance with the Coursework Enrolment Procedure.   Applications must be made where:
    1. the student is enrolled in a course listed in Appendix 1 – Specified Courses; or
    2. the student wishes to take more than 12 months leave; or
    3. the student is studying under an international student visa.
  11. A student may be granted credit towards an Award of this University in accordance with the criteria in the Course and Subject Handbook and the Credit Transfer Procedure.
  12. A student may apply to transfer from one course to another within the University.  The University will assess and provide an outcome in accordance with the requirements in the Course Transfer Procedure.
  13. A student may elect to undertake a period of study at another institution. The University will assess such a request and provide an outcome in accordance with the requirements in the Outbound Mobility Procedure.
  14. The University will make Reasonable Adjustments to accommodate a student’s service to the Australian Defence Force or the National Service in Singapore and not disadvantage them academically or financially.  In making these Reasonable Adjustments, 番茄社区 will have regard to it's obligations under The Defence Reserve Service Protection Act 2001 and  the Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure.
  15. The University will make Reasonable Adjustments to accommodate a student’s commitments as an Elite Athlete and not disadvantage them academically or financially as a consequence in accordance with the Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure.
  16. The University will make Reasonable Adjustments to accommodate students with disabilities in accordance with the Students with Disabilities Policy.
  17. A student who receives an outcome of an academic or administrative decision has the right to appeal in accordance with the Student Review and Appeals Policy and related Procedures.

Related policy instruments

Academic Progression Policy

Admissions Policy

Course Transfer Procedure

Coursework Enrolment Procedure

Credit Transfer Procedure

Defence Force, National Service and Elite Athlete Friendly University Procedure

Outbound Mobility Procedure

Student Review and Appeals Policy

Student Code of Conduct

Students with Disabilities Policy

Related documents

Academic Calendar

Course and Subject Handbook


Appendix I – Specified Courses 

Appendices to the Unsatisfactory Academic Performance Procedure


NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Approval Authority

Implementation date





Academic Board


Major amendment to separate policy from procedure and establish the Procedures listed under Related Policy Instruments.

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services





Minor amendments to reflect current organisational structure.

Quality, Standards and Policy Officer





Minor amendments to align with Council approved Academic and Student Delegations Register

Associate Director, Enrolment and Client Services





Addition of: 1. Clause 5. Eligibility for Campus Transfer; 2.Definition of campus transfer; 3. References of ‘Academy DVC’ changed to ‘relevant DVC’.

Executive  Approval received from Chair Academic Board 11/01/2015

Acting Director, Student Services.




Amended  to reflect organisation restructure






Change  of title from University Requirements for Undergraduate and Postgraduate  Awards and inclusion of policy provisions from Dates for Withdrawal Without  Academic Penalty and Addition or Substitution of Subjects Without Prior Approval  of Subject Coordinator Policy






Change  of approval authority only from Council to Academic Board






Endorsed  by Academic Board on 18/04/2011 and approved on an interim basis (ie until  the document can be presented to Council) by the Vice-Chancellor






Published  in Policy Library and Student Handbook


Contact person

Manager, Academic Administration and Enrolment

