
Policy Academic Governance Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Procedure

Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Procedure


This procedure provides the process for the establishment and administration of 番茄社区 coursework scholarships, grants and prizes.


This procedure applies to all donor funded (external) and University funded (internal) scholarships, grants and prizes for coursework subjects and courses. It does not apply to:

  • Commonwealth funded scholarships provided to eligible Indigenous higher education students with the general costs of study; and
  • Higher Degree by Research scholarships, grants and prizes.


Except where otherwise indicated in this procedure, the definitions used in this procedure are found in the Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Policy or the Policy Glossary.


1. Establishment

1.1 Scholarships, Grants and Prizes must be established collaboratively between the Advancement Office, the Student Finance and Scholarship Office (SFSO), The Academy and Financial and Business Services as appropriate using the establishment form and any other relevant documentation.

1.2 All Scholarships, Grants and Prizes must be endorsed by the following staff prior to submission to the Chair of Academic Board for final approval:

1.2.1 Manager, Advancement

1.2.2 Dean or Director of the Owning Unit (where required)

1.2.3 Manager, Student Finance and Scholarships

1.3 The Advancement Office is responsible for:

1.3.1 Establishing a donor funded scholarship, grant or prize agreement between the University and the Donor;

1.3.2 Communicating and liaising with Donors in relation to Scholarship, Grant or Prizes;

1.3.3 Coordinating appropriate recognition strategies for Donor partners; and

1.3.4 Maintaining the on-going relationship with potential and existing Donors.

1.4 The establishment form will include all necessary information required to establish the scholarship, grant or prize, including:

1.4.1 A brief history of the donor and/or the scholarship, grant or prize;

1.4.2 The rules of the scholarship, grant or prize;

1.4.3 The tenure;

1.4.4 The type of funding;

1.4.5 Initial and (if required) ongoing eligibility criteria;

1.4.6 The selection process; and

1.4.7 Any specific administration, funding and reporting requirements of the scholarship, grant or prize.

1.5 Donor funded scholarship, grant or prizes will not be marketed, promoted or awarded until after the funds have been received.

1.6 The Advancement office is responsible for issuing donor invoices and receipting funds, working with Financial and Business Services to establish the appropriate accounts and transferring funds as required.

2. Promotion and Advertising

2.1 The SFSO must ensure all scholarships, grants and prizes are published on the 番茄社区 website.

2.2 The Academy and Colleges are responsible for direct promotion to their student cohort through appropriate communication channels.

2.3 The University Marketing Office is responsible for broader corporate promotion and advertising.

3. Applications

3.1 Upon receipt of the application the SFSO will:

3.1.1 Check each application for eligibility and completeness;

3.1.2 Advise the student of any missing information and status of the application.

4. Selection and Offers for Scholarships and Grants

4.1 When the applications for a scholarship or grant close the SFSO will:

4.1.1 Collate all eligible scholarship and grant applications and create a shortlist for each of the selection committees;

4.1.2 Convene the selection committee (if required). The committee will comprise the members identified in the scholarship or grant rules.

4.2 The SFSO must advise applicants of the outcome of their application within 4 weeks of the closing date of the scholarship or grant.

5. Bestowals/Payments of Scholarship, Grant or Prize

5.1 The SFSO is responsible for facilitating payment of all scholarships, grants, and prizes to successful applicants.

5.2 All monetary payments will be made directly to the recipient’s nominated bank account as stipulated in the rules for each individual scholarship, grant or prize.

5.3 The SFSO must check that a recipient meets any conditions of the scholarship, grant or prize before making payment

6. Ongoing Eligibility

6.1 The SFSO is responsible for monitoring the ongoing eligibility of recipients of a scholarship or grant with multiple payments.

6.2 Where a recipient is in breach of the ongoing eligibility criteria for a scholarship or grant as per the published rules, they will no longer be eligible to receive future payments. The recipient will be advised via their 番茄社区 email account of the cancellation or amendment of any future payments.

6.3 For all donor funded scholarships, grants and prizes, the Advancement team is responsible for advising Donors of any ongoing eligibility breaches and withdrawal of funding.

7. Reporting

7.1 The SFSO are responsible for maintaining accurate and current records of all scholarship awards and payments.

7.2 The Manager Student Finance and Scholarships will provide a summary/report to the Academic Board annually on the overall performance of the Scholarship, Grants and Prizes Program.

Related policy instruments

Coursework Scholarships, Grants and Prizes Policy

Scholarship, Grant or Prize Establishment Form

Guidelines/Procedures for Owning Units and Selection Committees




NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance
Policy Sub-domainStudent Experience

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Education

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



22-109/10/202211/10/2022Review Policy and Procedure documents undertakenManager, Student Finance and Scholarships




Procedural aspects of the policy split into procedural document. Removed definitions and referred to glossary. Addition of prizes into this policy as aligned with scholarships, bursaries and grants.

Manager, Student Finance & Examinations.


Scholarships, bursaries, grants, prizes

Contact personManager, Student Finance and Scholarships