
Policy Corporate Governance University Seal Procedure

University Seal Procedure


The following procedures ensures acceptable use of the University Seal and must be read in conjunction with the Use of Corporate Identifiers Policy.


This procedure applies to the University Secretary or officer delegated by the University Secretary, Vice-Chancellor and other authorised persons appointed by the Chancellor to affix the University Seal, in accordance with this procedure.


Except as otherwise specified in this procedure, the meaning of terms used in this policy are as per the Policy Glossary.


The University Seal is used to authenticate documents in the University’s name and is most commonly affixed to contracts, deeds and some agreements, and other documents requiring the Seal as approved by the University Secretary. Testamurs are generally produced on paper that is pre-embossed with the University Seal. Affixing the Seal to a document indicates that the document is formal, or in the case of a deed, creates legally binding relations.


1. When to Use the Seal

1.1 The University Seal will only be affixed by the University Secretary when the University Secretary is satisfied that:

a. in the case of a Testamur, the person has properly been, or is eligible to be, conferred with such award;

b. in all other cases:

(i) the agreement or document has been approved by the appropriate University authority; and

(ii) it is appropriate to affix the University Seal (refer to item 1.2).

The University Secretary may request such additional information or evidence as the University Secretary considers appropriate in order to determine whether or not the University Seal  may be affixed.

1.2 The University Seal may be Affixed to:

a. any document certifying the conferral of an Award of the University upon an individual;

b. any document or agreement that is required by law (for example, execution of an agreement as a Deed) or for ceremonial reasons to be under seal;

c. any agreement to which the University is a party in circumstances where another party to the agreement insists upon the University executing the agreement under seal;

d. any document or report prepared by the University for submission to the Commonwealth or State government, or any of their agencies or departments, in circumstances where that government or its agency or department requires the affixation of the Seal; or

e. as otherwise approved by the University Council or the Chancellor.

2. Affixing of the Seal

2.1 The University’s “impress” Seal must be affixed over the top of the University’s Secretary’s signature with the exception of its use on a Testamur where the signature will appear immediately below the Seal.

2.2 Where appropriate, the following words, or equivalent, should appear on the document adjacent to the Seal’s impress;

“The Seal of the 番茄社区 was hereto affixed by the University Secretary, (name of officer) as the officer duly authorised by the University Council”.

3. Recording Use of the Seal and Prescribed Information

3.1 The following information must be recorded in the Seal Register by the University Secretary (or the officer duly appointed by the Chancellor in the absence of the University Secretary) each time the Seal is used:

a. the authority for affixing the Seal;

b. the nature and details of the document to which the Seal was affixed;

c. the date of sealing of the document;

d. the signature of the Officer who affixed the Seal;

e. the signature of any witness required to witness the signature under Seal.

4. Reporting Requirements

The use of the University Seal must be reported to the University Council via the Council Circular.

Related policy instruments

Use of Corporate Identifiers Policy




NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy Domain

Corporate Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Council Matters

Policy Custodian

Vice Chancellor

Approval Authority

University Council

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date





Minor review; updated format of procedural steps, minor language amendment to references to ‘Seal of the University’, method of reporting updated to current practice.

University Secretary




Procedure Approval Authority amended to align with the approved Policy and Delegations Framework

Quality, Standards and Policy Office




Procedure established

Policy Officer – Governance and Corporate Services


University Seal, Seal, affixing of Seal, Seal of the University

Contact person

University Secretary