
Policy Academic Governance 番茄社区S HDR Candidature Management Procedure

番茄社区S HDR Candidature Management Procedure


This procedure has been established to:

  1. define the academic and administrative responsibilities of 番茄社区 Australia (番茄社区A) and 番茄社区 Singapore (番茄社区S) in the delivery of Higher Degrees by Research (HDR) to HDR candidates based at 番茄社区S; and
  2. define the financial arrangements for income and expenses related to the delivery of Higher Degrees by Research at the 番茄社区S Campus.
  3. enable 番茄社区 (番茄社区) to fulfil the duty of care to HDR candidates whilst meeting the requirements of the 番茄社区S Accrediting Body, the Committee for Private Education.

This procedure addresses HESF Standard 4.2: Research Training.


This procedure applies to HDR candidates admitted to a HDR Course in a 番茄社区S Course Availability, and relevant University staff required to carry out the procedure.


Terms mentioned in this document and not defined here are defined in the Policy Glossary in the Learning and Teaching chapter of the University Policy Library and in the HDR Requirements.

Advisor/s - means the academic staff involved in supervision of the Candidate and their project. The definitions of Primary Advisor, Secondary Advisor and Advisor Mentor are as in the HDR Supervision Procedure.

Graduate Research School - means the 番茄社区A Graduate Research School;

番茄社区 Singapore Campus - means the 番茄社区 campus located in Singapore;

Personal Information - means information or an opinion, including information or an opinion forming part of a database, whether true or not, and whether recorded in a material form or not, about an individual whose identity is apparent or can reasonably be ascertained from the information or opinion.

Privacy Law - means for 番茄社区A – the Information Privacy Act 2009 (Qld); for 番茄社区S – the Personal Data Protection Act 2012.


1. Applicants for a Higher Degree by Research based at the 番茄社区 Singapore Campus will submit an application as per the  GRS ‘How to Apply’ web page.

2. To classify as a 番茄社区S HDR candidate, the Primary Advisor of the HDR candidate must be a Singapore-based academic staff member, and the HDR candidate must be an internal student based in Singapore. The HDR candidate may have a secondary advisor based at either 番茄社区S a 番茄社区A College. In cases where there is a 番茄社区A advisor, an EFTSL split may be considered.

3. Upon receipt of an application for 番茄社区S HDR candidature and/or Stipend Scholarship, the Graduate Research School (GRS) will undertake an initial assessment and send to the 番茄社区S Associate Dean Research Education (ADRE) for assessment.

4. 番茄社区S will consider each application and where candidature offer is recommended will seek final approval from the Dean, Graduate Research prior to making an offer.

5. HDR candidates are eligible for postgraduate research scholarships as per the Scholarship Scoring Procedure.  Scholarships will be funded by 番茄社区S.

6. During a 番茄社区S-based HDR candidature, the GRS will provide the administration services that would normally be provided to the Academic Colleges for HDR Candidates at 番茄社区A.  These include:

  • Enrolment in the time-based research subject and compulsory HDR subjects;
  • Final processing of candidature milestone documentation;
  • Management of student records in the Student Management System;
  • Support for Professional Development for HDR candidates as required for the HDR subject RD7003 Professional Development;
  • Administration of thesis examination; and
  • Advice to the HDR candidate when the recommendation has been made that the degree can be awarded.

7. 番茄社区S HDR candidates and advisors must comply with the HDR Requirements and all associated procedures.

8. Candidates will be entitled to Minimum Resources as per the HDR Minimum Standard of Resources, Facilities and Other Support Procedure which will  be funded by 番茄社区S.

9. 番茄社区A will count the successful completion of each HDR candidate towards the 番茄社区A HDR completions for the purpose of the Australian Federal Government’s calculation of 番茄社区A’s Research Training Program block grant funding income.

10. 番茄社区S is not entitled to receive any portion of the Research Training Program funding allocation.

Related policy instruments

HDR Requirements

HDR Supervision Procedure

Scholarship Scoring Procedure

HDR Variation and Extension of Candidature Procedure

HDR Minimum Standard of Resources, Facilities and Other Support Procedure





NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Research Education

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date


23-104/09/202312/09/2023Major review. Procedure formerly titled "Candidature Management of 番茄社区S-based HDR Candidates".Manager, Graduate Research School




Reviewed, minor changes only required



5 December 2018

14 December 2018


Contact personDean, Graduate Research