
Policy Academic Governance HDR Minimum Standard of Resources, Facilities and Other Support Procedure

HDR Minimum Standard of Resources, Facilities and Other Support Procedure


This procedure has been established to define the Minimum Standard of Resources and Facilities and Other Support required to be provided by the College to ensure that support for Higher Degree by Research (HDR) candidates focuses on facilitating a successful completion within a reasonable timeframe. This procedure is guided by the Higher Education Standards Framework and the Australian Council of Graduate Research Good Practice Principles and Guideline.

This procedure addresses HESF Standards 2.1: Facilities and Infrastructure, and 4.2: Research Education.


This procedure applies to the Colleges administering candidates for the research degrees offered by the University as defined in the HDR Requirements.

This procedure applies to HDR candidates with an enrolment status of either “enrolled” or “under examination” only.


Terms mentioned in this document and not defined here are defined in the Policy Glossary in the Learning and Teaching domain of the University Policy Library, and in the Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements.

College - any organisational unit of 番茄社区 that administers HDR candidates.


  1. Infrastructure

    The table below summarises the infrastructure that must be made available to HDR candidates.


    Off Campus



    Desk in a shared office with 24/7 access


    Hot desk if on campus

    Hot desk if on campus

    Standard office facilities including desk phone, copier, printer, stationery




    Bench space and access to equipment required for the research project




    Access to communal tearoom/kitchen




    Internet and email access




    Assistance in accessing a 番茄社区 issued computer. (HDR candidates using their own computer should refer to /information-and-communications-technology/help-and-support/laptops-and-mobile-devices)


    College dependent

    College dependent

    Software privileges equivalent to staff on university owned computer(s)


    Where applicable

    Where applicable

    Shared drive/OneDrive storage quota equivalent to staff




    Access to Skills番茄社区 and any other university systems as required for progression of candidature.




    Library privileges equivalent to staff




    Use of University vehicles, video and audio recording equipment etc, on certification by Primary Advisor of relevance to program of research




2.1 Each College will receive funding from the Research Training Program and must allocate amounts as indicated below:

2.1.1 1 EFTSL “in time” Low Cost Masters = $1,000 to candidate 番茄社区 account + $350 competitive funding pool = $1,350

2.1.2 1 EFTSL “in time” High Cost Masters = $1,000 to candidate 番茄社区 account + $822.50 competitive funding pool = $1,822.50

2.1.3 1 EFTSL “in time” Low Cost PhD = $1,000 to candidate 番茄社区 account  + $700 competitive funding pool = $1,700

2.1.4 1 EFTSL “in time” High Cost PhD = $1,000 to candidate 番茄社区 account + $1,645 competitive funding pool = $2,645

where “In time” means <2/4 EFTSL for Masters/Doctorate unless special circumstances have been approved by the Dean, Graduate Research as a result of illness, parenting or carer responsibilities.

2.2 Weighted EFTSL of HDR candidates who identify as Australian Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander will be double that of HDR candidates not identifying.

2.3 The method of awarding of the funds in the competitive funding pool is at the discretion of the College, but must be done according to a transparent plan.

3. Relevant Research Costs which may be paid from the funding allocated to the HDR candidate’s 番茄社区 accounts are those that directly relate to the research project or the dissemination of results from the research project. These might include:

  • Photocopying and printing.
  • Thesis costs (including printing).
  • Reasonable reimbursement for internet charges external to 番茄社区 in the case of off-campus HDR candidates. This must be negotiated in advance on a case-by-case basis and approved by the relevant Head of College.
  • Essential inter-library loans.
  • Reasonable expenses for undertaking approved research at libraries and archives external to the host campus.
  • Telephone calls related to the project.
  • Costs of access to service facilities.
  • Data analysis and specialised computer packages.
  • Fieldwork expenses appropriate to the research project (sufficient to enable the research to be conducted in accordance with the WHS-PRO-015 Field Trip Procedure.
  • Laboratory consumables specific to the research project.
  • Publication costs.
  • Professional development costs.
  • Contribution towards the expenses associated with attending at least one conference associated with the research project at which the HDR candidate is making a presentation (verbal or poster) in accordance with FMPM 740 Travel Policy.
  • Other costs associated with the research project as approved by the College and/or any ethics approvals.

4. Participation in the College Research Culture

It expected that HDR candidates will be provided with opportunities to be involved in their College’s research culture through face to face and social interactions where possible, and through online events. Research Culture includes:

  • Involvement in a structured program of research seminars based on research being undertaken by HDR candidates and College staff or other initiatives such as HDR candidate conferences.
  • Access to any relevant distinguished visitors, either in-group seminars or on an individual basis.
  • Entry to any space (e.g. reserved tearoom) provided for College staff.
  • Opportunities for social interaction with other HDR candidates, as well as College staff to provide opportunities for collegial informal interactions.

5. HDR Candidate Induction

5.1 In addition to HDR inductions and orientations run by the Graduate Research School and other areas of the University, and the online resources provided for all HDR candidates, each College must also provide College-specific information about relevant policies and procedures, particularly about the expectations and responsibilities of supervisors and HDR candidates, the degree requirements, progress procedures, research integrity and ethics, grievance procedures, health and safety procedures and the availability of support services.

5.2 The College Induction Package for on-campus HDR candidates should also include the following:

  • A tour of the College facilities where relevant;
  • An introduction to relevant academic, technical and administrative staff, including the Associate Dean Research Education, the HDR Academic Services Officer and the liaison Librarian appointed to assist the College’s HDR candidates;
  • Advice on how to contact the liaison Librarian appointed to assist the College’s HDR candidates;
  • Information on access to relevant training opportunities e.g. Workplace Health and Safety;
  • Information on procedures to resolve problems;
  • Information on opportunities for participation in College decision making processes, including arrangements for electing HDR candidate representatives to relevant College committees;
  • Guidelines on ethical and safety procedures appropriate to College disciplines. In addition, the College will provide access to relevant training to ensure that HDR candidates comply with these safety procedures and other relevant University safety policies.

6. Compliance and Reporting

Each Head of College, through their Associate Dean Research Education, may report to the Research Education Sub-Committee regarding problems with compliance with this procedure.

Related policy instruments

Higher Degree by Research (HDR) Requirements

FMPM 740 Travel Policy

WHS-PRO-015 Field Trip Procedure




NOTE: Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainAcademic Governance

Policy Sub-domain

Research Education

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Research

Approval Authority

Academic Board

Date for next Major Review


Revision History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date


23-104/09/202312/09/2023Major review.Manager, Graduate Research School




Approved by SDVC in Research Committee.  Corrections made to value of financial assistance in response to implementation of RTP Funding.  Concurrent disestablishment of HDR Enhancement Scheme Procedure. 



Policy recast as procedure. Policy rescinded. Some detail changes under financial assistance to come into effect from 01/03/2105

Amended by Research Education Sub-Committee, approved by Research Committee




Amendments made in relation to 'Amount of support' under '(b) Financial Assistance' to come into effect from 01/01/2012.

Amended by Academic Board





Amended by Academic Board





Amended by Academic Board





Amended by Council





Amended by Board of Higher Degrees by Research





Amended by Board of Higher Degrees by Research





Approved by Academic Board

Contact personDean, Graduate Research