
Resource Material

From Ren茅 van den Berg - "a grammar of Busoa, an Austronesian language of Sulawesi (SIL International ® 2020)

Publications by Pema Wangdi

Tibeto-Burman files (Pema Wangdi)

Narayan Prasad Sharma -

Linda Anna Konnerth -

We have just received an update from 番茄社区 library concerning book purchases in linguistics, as follows.

The 番茄社区 library has been able to purchase the following 17 titles as electronic books, which you can access from either our catalogue or via the spreadsheet attached;

  1. World Lexicon of Grammaticalization
  2. Introduction to Psycholinguistics: Understanding Language Science
  3. Nominalization in Languages of the Americas
  4. Typology of Pluractional Constructions in the Languages of the World
  5. Argument Selectors: A new perspective on grammatical relations
  6. Comparative Dictionary of Tibetan Dialects (CDTD):Volume 2 Vebs
  7. Nonverbal Predication in Amazonian Languages
  8. Typological Hierarchies in Synchrony and Diachrony
  9. The Diachrony of Classification Systems
  10. A reference grammar of the Onondaga language
  11. What Is Sociolinguistics?, 2nd Edition
  12. The languages and linguistics of Africa
  13. Syllable Weight in African Languages
  14. Finiteness and Nominalization
  15. A grammar of Kilmeri, Pacific Linguistics
  16. Language History, Language Change, and Language Relationship
  17. Principles of Linguistic Change, Volume 3

The following titles are only available as print. Due to the current global crisis, there is a delay in print purchasing, so the titles have been placed on hold for when the library are able to purchase print books at later date.

  1. The Caddo Language: A Grammar, Texts, and Dictionary Based on Materials Collected by the Author in Oklahoma Between 1960 and 1970
  2. The Oxford Handbook of Morphological Theory
  3. Principles of Linguistic Change, Volume 1
  4. Principles of Linguistic Change, Volume 2
  5. The Oxford Handbook of Modality and Mood
  6. A grammar of Bangime
  7. A grammar of Sierra Popoluca
  8. A grammar of Kakataibo

Many thanks to Abe for putting together the original list

Amerikanistisches Woerterbuch (Georg Friederici) This is a unique compendium of thousands of words introduced into European languages (especially German, English, and Spanish) from the indigenous languages of the Americas, accompanied with etymologies, scientific identifications (for flora and fauna) and references to the original sources.

A Grammar of Dumi (A Dissertation by NETRA MANI RAI - 2016) - This study presents a linguistic description of the Dumi language (6393; dus) within the framework of the functional typological grammar (FTG) developed by Giv贸n (2001) and further supplemented by Dixon (2004), Dryer (2006), Haspelmath (2004) and De Lancey (2010). Dumi is a poorly described Kirati language of the Rai group, spoken by an ethnic group 'Dumi' residing mainly in Khotang District. This is a field based linguistic study of the grammatical features of the Dumi language. It employs naturally occurring texts, supported by elicited sentences collected from the Dumi speaking areas basically from the Makpa area.