
Dr Ernie Grant

Photo of Ernie Grant

Ernie was born on the 1st February 1935 to John & Chloe Grant of Murray Upper.

Ernie is an elder of the Jirrbal tribe from the Tully area in Far North Queensland. He was raised in the traditional culture of his people and credits his mother Chloe, for instilling in him a great desire to learn all the facts about his Aboriginal heritage.

He has also had wide experience in western society including many years in research. He is now widely recognised in both cultures for his deep understanding of the unique characteristics of indigenous languages and culture.

These workshops will provide a basis for the holistic study of indigenous cultures.

Indigenous communities have a holistic view of their world, which incorporates the vital link between Land, Language and Culture. This view is significantly different from what is considered the norm in western society. Many academics, over the years, have recognised and noted its success in passing on information accurately for centuries. Solving the complex problems of to-day’s society requires consideration of all the information and all the strategies and perhaps it is time for schools and other institutions to step back from the traditional academic approach and consider the advantages of another traditional approach – the holistic one.

Indigenous culture reflects an oral as opposed to written tradition; it relies largely on observation; it is closely aligned to nature and the environment – with particular emphasis on cycles and patterns and the effect each has on the other; and of course it is based on an undeniable link between Land, Language and Culture.

This approach is designed to promote cross-cultural understanding by providing a framework for organising information in a meaningful way.

Although it is just one method of filing or retrieving information, it has the capacity to assist those who are genuinely interested in indigenous people and their culture.

Ernie’s holistic planning & teaching framework was officially launched by ISSU (Indigenous Schooling Support Unit) in 2006.

The Holistic Planning & Teaching Framework has proven very successful within the Queensland Education Department and has been highly recommended by professionals and academics alike.

We welcome the opportunity to assist with any of your cultural awareness programs which we can tailor to your needs.

Ernie’s quote

“If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.”