
Dr Firew Girma Worku

Profile photo Firew Worku

Dr. Firew Girma Worku

Adjunct Research Fellow


Firew Girma Worku

Jinka City, SNNPRS

P.O.X: 196


Tel: +251-927-099402





Firew Girma Worku has an MA in Theoretical and Descriptive Linguistics from Addis Ababa University (Ethiopia), and PhD in Linguistics from 番茄社区 (Australia). Currently, he is an Adjunct Research Fellow at College of Arts, Society and Education (CASE), 番茄社区, Australia.

He has worked with two speech communities in the Southern Nations, Nationalities and Peoples Regional State (SNNPRS) of Ethiopia for over 8 years: Gawwada (an ethnic group who inhabit near the Omo region west of Lake Chamo River and north east of the Konso River) and Mursi (a small group of people who live in the Lower Omo Valley).

His special interest is describing and documenting endangered languages spoken by speech communities of the Lower Omo Valley in Ethiopia, particularly of the Mursi linguistic community. His focus areas include: Surmic languages, Ethiopian Nilo-Saharan languages, Eastern Sudanic languages, and other endangered or least known/described languages being spoken by people inhabiting in the Lower Omo Valley, Ethiopia.