
Dr Angeliki Alvanoudi

Head shot

Dr Angeliki Alvanoudi
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki & 番茄社区

Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics, Conversation Analysis

Language and gender, language and cognition, grammar in talk-in-interaction, language contact, Greek language

In April 2013, I graduated with a PhD from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece. In my doctoral dissertation I examined the cultural and cognitive aspects of grammatical gender in Modern Greek conversation (published with Brill, 2014). In May 2013, I took up a two year Postdoctoral Fellowship at the Language and Culture Research Centre, 番茄社区, to examine the Greek language spoken by immigrant communities in Far North Queensland. The findings of my research are presented in the monograph Modern Greek in Diaspora: An Australian Perspective (published with Palgrave Pivot, 2018). I am currently teaching courses in Sociolinguistics, Pragmatics and Discourse Analysis at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki


EMAIL: Angeliki.Alvanoudi@jcu.edu.au

2015-present Adjunct Lecturer, 番茄社区, Australia
2018 Lecturer, School of English Language and Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
Hellenic Open University


2013 Ph.D. Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The Social and Cognitive Dimensions of Grammatical Gender
2005 M.A. Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
2002 B.A. Greek Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki

2016-2017 Lecturer, School of English Language and Literature, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki
The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, English Studies Department
2015-2016 Visiting Researcher, Language and Culture Research Centre, 番茄社区
2013-2015 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Language and Culture Research Centre, 番茄社区
2008- 2013 Assistant Researcher at the Institute of Modern Greek Studies, Research Project: Greek Talk-in-Interaction and Conversation Analysis
2005-2007 Assistant Researcher, Research Project PYTHAGORAS II (GENDER): Linguistic Sexism: Representation and Construction of Gender through Language.

Sole instructor (I created syllabi, selected course readings, etc.) for:
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of Philology
Introduction to Sociolinguistics
G-LSUD 346 BA Spring 2017-2018
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, School of English Language and Literature
Pragmatics G-LSUD3 ThLing350 BA Spring 2015-2016, Winter 2018-2019
Sociolinguistics G-LSUD4 ThLing463 BA Winter 2016-2017, 2017-2018,
The University of Sheffield International Faculty, CITY College, English Studies Department
Pragmatics CES2104 BA Spring 2016-2017
Discourse Analysis CES6103 MA Spring 2016-2017
Co-teacher for:
Radboud University, Institute for Gender Studies, Faculty of Social Sciences
Practising Interdisciplinarity
in European Gender Studies MA Summer 2008

Alvanoudi, A. (2018) Modern Greek in Diaspora: An Australian Perspective. Palgrave Pivot.
Alvanoudi, A. (2014) Grammatical Gender in Interaction: Cultural and Cognitive Aspects. Leiden: Brill.
Journal Articles
Alvanoudi, A. (2018) Gender, language and a lipstick: Creating cultural change in a world of paradoxes. Humanities 7, 87.
Alvanoudi, A. (2018) Language contact, borrowing and code switching: A case study of Australian Greek. Journal of Greek Linguistics 18(1), 1-42.
Alvanoudi, A. (2015) The routine achievement of gender in Greek conversation. Gender and Language 9(1), 11-31.
Alvanoudi, A. and Korvaj盲rvi, P. (2012) Power and pedagogy II: Introduction. European Journal of Women’s Studies 19(1), 115-117.
Alvanoudi, A. (2009) Travelling between languages and disciplines: Linguistic and interdisciplinary translation practices in Women’s/Gender Studies. Graduate Journal of Social Sciences 6(3), 20-39.
Alvanoudi, A. (2009) Open letter: Golden boys, Marxist ghosts and nomadic feminism. European Journal of Women’s Studies 16(2), 181-184.
Book Chapters
Alvanoudi, A. (2019) Clause repetition as a tying technique in Greek conversation. Forthcoming in: V. Guerin (Ed.), Bridging Constructions (Studies in Diversity Linguistics), pp. 239-268. Berlin: Language Science Press.
Alvanoudi, A. (2018) [in Greek] Polar questions: Forms and functions. In T.-S. Pavlidou (Ed.), Questions and Answers in Greek Talk-in-Interaction, pp. 35-59. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.
Alvanoudi, A. (2017) The interface between language and cultural conceptualizations of gender in interaction: the case of Greek. In F. Sharifian (Ed.), Advances in Cultural Linguistics, pp. 125-147. Singapore: Springer.
Alvanoudi, A. (2015) [in Greek] Conversational code switching in an Australian Greek community. In T.-S. Pavlidou (Ed.), The Greek Language and Spoken Interaction, pp. 61-77. Thessaloniki: Institute of Modern Greek Studies.
Alvanoudi, A. (2009) Teaching gender in the neoliberal university. In D. Gronold, B. Hipfl and L. Lund Pedersen (Eds.), Teaching with the Third Wave – New Feminists’ Explorations of Teaching and Institutional Contexts, pp. 37-50. ATHENA3 Advanced Thematic Network in Women’s Studies in Europe, University of Utrecht and Centre for Gender Studies, Stockholm University Press.
Conference Proceedings
Alvanoudi, A (2019) [in Greek] Responses to polar questions in talk-in-interaction: adverbs, particles and modified repeats. Forthcoming in: Studies in Greek Linguistics 39. In Memoriam M. Setatos.
Pavlidou, Th.-S. and A. Alvanoudi. (2018) Conceptualizing the world as ‘female’ or ‘male’: Further remarks on grammatical gender and speakers’ cognition. In N. Topintzi, N. Lavidas and M. Moumtzi (Eds.), Selected Papers on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics from ISTAL23, pp. Thessaloniki: School of English, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
Pavlidou, Th.-S. and A. Alvanoudi. (2013) Grammatical gender and cognition. In N. Lavidas, T. Alexiou and A. M. Sougari (Eds.), Major Trends in Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, 2(2), pp. 109-124. Versita/de Gruyter.
Alvanoudi, A. (2008) [in Greek] The relationship between language and gender in feminist deconstruction theories: The case of grammatical gender. Studies in Greek Linguistics 28, 89-99.
Alvanoudi, A. (2006) Language and gender in feminist deconstruction theories: A linguistic perspective. Fourth University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research Proceedings, pp. 15-22.
Pavlidou, Th.-S., A. Alvanoudi, and E. Karafoti. (2004) [in Greek] Grammatical gender and semantic content: Preliminary remarks on the lexical representation of social gender. Studies in Greek Linguistics 24, 543-553.
Charalampopoulos, A., Alvanoudi, A., Didaskalou, M., Lampropoulou, A. and Poulli, A. (2003) [in Greek] The realization of the pronunciation of the non-stressed i in the phonological sequence Consonant + i + Vowel and relevant parameters. Studies in Greek Linguistics 23.
Book Reviews
Alvanoudi, A. (2011) Review of ‘Mental spaces in discourse and interaction’, edited by Todd Oakley and Anders Hougaard (2008), John Benjamins. Journal of Pragmatics 43, 431-433.
Alvanoudi, A. (2010) Review of ‘Butler matters: Judith Butler’s impact on feminist and queer studies’, edited by Margaret S枚nser Breen and Warren J. Blumenfeld (2005), Ashgate. Gender and Language 4(1), 151-154.
Journal Special Section Edited
Alvanoudi, A. (Guest Editor) (2016) Aspects of the Meaning of Gender (special section). International Journal of Language and Culture 3(1).
Alvanoudi, A. (2016) Aspects of the meaning of gender: Introduction. International Journal of Language and Culture 3(1), 56-67.
2009 Postgraduate award of academic excellence by the Research Committee at the
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
2008 Tsagadas scholarship, Department of Linguistics, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

2019 Laboratory for Ethnographic Approaches to the Study of Language Symposium,
Department of Social Anthropology and History, University of the Aegean, Roundtable discussion: Ethnographic data in formal- and socio-linguistic approaches to language, 20 February.
2011 Women’s/Gender Studies in the neoliberal university: Paradoxes and challenges. Utrecht University.
2011 Transgressing disciplinary and institutional borders: The challenge of interdisciplinarity in European Women’s/Gender Studies. Colloquium ‘Transdisciplinarity revisited’, Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies (CtG) at Humboldt-Universit盲t zu Berlin in cooperation with the network GenderAct (Academic Cultures and Transformation in European Gender Studies).
2009 Mapping Women’s Studies programmes in Europe. Pre-conference Students’ Workshop, 7th European Feminist Research Conference, Utrecht University.

2017 Panel ‘Language, Gender and Cognition’, 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16-21 July.
2013 International Workshop ‘Gender, culture and cognition’, Language and Culture Research Centre (LCRC), 番茄社区 (番茄社区), 27-28 November.
Papers presented
2018 Repetition in responses to polar questions in Greek conversation. 39th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, 19-21 April.
2017 Gendered noticing and speakers’ cognition in Greek conversation. 15th International Pragmatics Conference, Belfast, Northern Ireland, 16-21 July.
2017 co-authored with Th.-S. Pavlidou. Conceptualizing the world as ‘female’/‘male’: Further remarks on grammatical gender and speakers’ cognition. 23rd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics, Thessaloniki, 31 March-2 April.
2016 Polar questions in Greek conversation: Forms and functions. Symposium ‘Questions-Answers in Greek talk-in-interaction’, Institute of Modern Greek Studies, 13-14 October.
2015 Na sou po kati? The grammaticalization of a conversational routine in Modern Greek. 12th International Conference on Greek Linguistics, Freie Universit盲t Berlin, 16-19 September.
2014 Code switching in interaction: The perspective of conversation analysis. Symposium ‘Greek language and spoken communication’, Institute of Modern Greek Studies, 18-19 September.
2014 Grammatical gender as an item of self-repair. 4th International Conference on Conversation Analysis, UCLA, 23-29 June.
2013 The non-fit between grammatical gender and sex in Modern Greek. International Workshop ‘Gender, culture and cognition’, LCRC, 番茄社区, 27 November.
2012 The social and cognitive implications of the use of grammatical gender in Greek. 7th International Gender and Language Association Conference, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, 20-22 June.
2012 co-authored with Th.-S. Pavlidou. Thinking about the world as ‘female’ or ‘male’: Grammatical gender and speakers’ cognition. 7th International Gender and Language Association Conference, Sao Leopoldo, Brazil, 20-22 June.
2012 Sexing interaction: Exploring the interplay between grammatical gender, culture and cognition. 8th European Feminist Research Conference, Budapest, 18-20 May.
2012 The social and cognitive dimensions of grammatical gender: Exploring the interplay between the use of grammatical gender, culture and cognition in interaction. Conference on ‘Discourse, communication and conversation’, Loughborough University, 21-23 March.
2012 韦he social and cognitive implications of the use of grammatical gender in interaction. Colloquium on ‘Gender and the Greek language’. Berlin, Freie University, 3 February.
2011 Grammatical gender in interaction: Exploring the interplay between language, culture and cognition. 10th International Conference of Greek Linguistics, Komotini, 1-4 September.
2009 What is a ‘language and gender research’ scholar doing in WGS? Transgressing disciplinary boundaries. 7th European Feminist Research Conference, Utrecht University, 4-7 June.
2009 How does linguistics contribute to our understanding of gender? Feminist Research Methods Conference, University of Stockholm, 4-6 February.
2007 Reproducing the patriarchal symbolic order: Grammatical gender and the representation of the world. 10th International Pragmatics Conference, University of Gothenburg, 8-13 July.
2007 [in Greek] The relationship between language and gender in feminist deconstruction theories: The case of grammatical gender. 28th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
2006 The contribution of feminist deconstruction theories to the understanding of the relationship between language and gender. 4th University of Cambridge Postgraduate Conference in Language Research, 17 March.
2003 [in Greek] co-authored with Th.-S. Pavlidou and E. Karafoti. Grammatical gender and semantic content: Preliminary remarks on the lexical representation of social gender. 24th Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
2002 [in Greek] co-authored with A. Charalampopoulos, M. Didaskalou, A. Lampropoulou, A. Poulli. The realization of the pronunciation of the non-stressed i in the phonological sequence consonant + i + vowel and relevant parameters, 23rd Annual Meeting of the Department of Linguistics, School of Philology, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.
2011 Discussant in the panel discussion ‘Gender studies in times of change: Challenges and visions for feminist futures’. ATGENDER Spring Conference ‘Feminist heritages - Feminist futures’, Utrecht.
2016 Language contact, borrowing and code switching: A case study of Australian Greek. LCRC, 番茄社区, 10 February.
2015 Grammars in contact in Cairns: Contact-induced change in Greek. LCRC, 番茄社区, 1 April.
2015 Clause repetition as a bridging device in Greek conversation. Workshop ‘Bridging linkage in cross-linguistic perspective’, LCRC, 番茄社区, 25-26 February.
2014 Questions in Greek. LCRC, 番茄社区, 29 October.
2014 Grammar and interaction: The perspective of conversation analysis. LCRC, 番茄社区, 26 August.
2014 The Greek spoken by immigrants in Cairns: Borrowing and code switching. LCRC, 番茄社区, 23 April.
2013 Demonstratives and directionals in Greek. LCRC, 番茄社区, 28 August.
2013 Grammatical gender in interaction. LCRC, 番茄社区, 29 May.

Reviewer for: Anthropological Linguistics
International Journal of Language and Culture
Languages in Contrast
Sociolinguistic Studies Women’s Studies International Forum
Proceedings of the 22nd International Symposium on Theoretical and Applied Linguistics
Aegean Working Papers in Ethnographic Linguistics
2015-present Member of Editorial Board, journal Sociolinguistic Studies (Equinox)
2014-present Member, International Pragmatics Association (IPrA)