
IsoTropics Geochemistry Lab About Isotropics Geochemistry Lab

About Isotropics Geochemistry Lab

In 2013, the College of Science and Engineering (CSE) at 番茄社区 built an AS 1386 Class 350 Clean Laboratory (ISO 14644-1 Class 7, or ISO 7 specifications) within 番茄社区’s Advanced Analytical Centre (AAC), located on 番茄社区’s Bebegu Yumba campus (Townsville). From its inception until 2019, the Clean Laboratory was built as a purpose-built space for whole rock digestion, and to conduct isotope chemistry (namely ion exchange chromatography) for Pb and Sr isotope analyses. In 2019, the   (EGRU) began a large-scale project involving stable metal isotope geochemistry (Cu and Zn isotopes at the world-class Mount Isa Cu-Zn-Pb deposit). This project sought the onboarding of stable metal isotope chemistry within the Clean Laboratory, thus generating the precursor changes leading to a transition from the Clean Laboratory with a focus on radiogenic isotope systems, to a high-capacity laboratory space for trace metal and isotope chemistry – the IsoTropics Geochemistry Lab.

In 2020, lab upgrades began towards the purpose of fully onboarding trace metal and isotope geochemistry, and moreover towards significantly enhancing the personnel capacity of the lab to accommodate present and future researchers, along with upscaled research ventures (industrial, commercial, medical applications). These upgrades saw the conversion of the lab space to a higher capacity facility capable of confined ISO 5 conditions (e.g. within chemical workstations) for isotope chemistry and elemental studies at the trace and ultra-trace level.

The research portfolio of the IsoTropics Lab spans a broad range of capabilities and applications. We currently have a number of trace metal and isotope geochemistry projects in progress: ore exploration, environmental source tracing, medical applications (e.g. disease diagnosis), as well as migratory/dietary characterisation of marine organisms and radiometric dating.

We can offer a number of research services for academia and industry/commercial applications which could include:

  • collaborative or non-collaborative research
  • radiogenic and novel stable isotope analyses
  • hydrogeochemical analyses
  • in situ sulfide analyses
  • radiometric dating

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