
What is Mid-Candidature?

This milestone relates to doctoral candidates only

The Mid-Candidature Review (MCR) milestone is around the midpoint of your degree program (usually about 18-24 months in). The purpose of the MCR is to identify any potential issues or obstacles, and provide guidance on how to move forward to thesis submission in a timely way whilst achieving research goals.

You will need to complete the Mid-Candidature Review Form. This report is then reviewed by your candidature committee, who will provide feedback and recommendations.

After the review process, you have an opportunity to discuss the feedback with the committee and seek further guidance and advice. This is a great opportunity for you to get valuable input from experienced researchers and refine your research plan to ensure you are on track.

So, if you're a doctoral candidate at 番茄社区, make sure you take the MCR seriously and use it as an opportunity to get valuable feedback and guidance on your research journey!