
Graduate Research School HDR Advisors Becoming an Advisor Register of Advisors Application Procedure

Register of Advisors Application Procedure

All 番茄社区 academic and research staff who wish to supervise or are actively supervising 番茄社区 HDR candidates must apply for admission to the 番茄社区 Register of Advisors. Aspiring HDR advisors must apply to the Research Education Sub-Committee (RESC) to be included on the Register through submission of an Application for Admission to the Register of Advisors. An annual review of all members of the Register will be conducted by the Graduate Research School. Experienced HDR advisors who wish to upgrade their level of Advisory Accreditation on the Register must apply to the RESC by way of submitting a revised Application for Admission. In all cases, the RESC reserves the right to solicit confidential reports from students who have been supervised by the applicant.

In the application you will be required to report on your:

  1. Qualification. Please note if the doctoral qualifications are not from 番茄社区 you will need to provide a weblink or document to confirm your graduation status including date of conferral and name of award
  2. Publications. Please note that to confirm your authorship of ERA recognized publications you are required to load all your publications to .
  3. Completions. Please note if they are non 番茄社区 completions you will need to provide a weblink or document to confirm your entry showing date of completion of the student and your status on the supervisory team.
  4. Training. Please note for any training completed in Learn番茄社区, you will need to generate a completion certificate and attach to your application.
  5. Epigeum materials must be submitted using the Initiate Tasks or Elevate templates:
    1. Elevate to Primary
    2. Elevate to Advisor Mentor

To achieve some advisory levels, advisors must complete online training using Epigeum materials. The Epigeum modules are available via Learn番茄社区, developed by a private provider but refined to the 番茄社区 context and designed to support HDR Advisor Development. Each module includes stories, videos and exercises to guide Advisors through a range of topics relevant for supporting HDR students through their research candidatures.

The table below highlights the three Advisor registration levels and requirements to for registration at each level (please also reference the HDR Advisor Handbook and procedure for more detailed information):

Advisor Level

Secondary Advisor

Primary Advisor

Advisor Mentor

PhD Held




Completion and maintenance of GRS Advisor Training & Development




Base Level of Publications

Authorship of at least one ERA recognised publication (or equivalent creative outputs) in the preceding two years

‘Research Active’ (see 




Successful HDR Supervision



Colleges and the Graduate Research School make discretionary
decisions about supervisor experience and research experience and capacity

Yes, 2 HDR (at least one as PhD Primary advisor)

Max # students as Primary


3 (up to 5 with college Dean approval)


Professional Development Requirements

  • Attend Face to Face Initiate
  • Complete review of Epigeum Units 1-10 and complete unit reflections, before completing the Declaration of Completion
  • Complete written tasks as set out in the initiate portfolio of activities


  • Complete Elevate when increasing level   Secondary to Primary or Primary to Advisor Mentor.

Maintaining Registration

Every four years all advisors must demonstrate they have completed HDR Advisor related Professional Development.  One option to achieve this is to complete the online, requirements of Update are detailed here. It is recommended you review the handbook (link provided in the module) prior to attempting the quiz. You will also be required to affirm your commitment to relevant 番茄社区 policy.

Chair of Candidature Committee or Independent Academic

To become eligible to be Chair of Candidature Committee or the Independent Academic on a candidature committee, please complete Regulate. A face to face training session offered as required by GRS on the request of an ADRE.




Advisory Panel

The panel of supervisors appointed by the Dean, Graduate Research to undertake the day-to-day supervision of the HDR candidate as required by the HDR Supervision Procedure.

Primary Advisor

Each Advisory Panel should include at least one Primary Advisor who is a member of the academic staff (or adjunct staff) of the College in which the candidate is enrolled or is otherwise formally contracted and accountable to the provider for supervisory duties and is on the 番茄社区 Register of Advisors with Primary Advisor or Advisor Mentor Status.

Secondary Advisor

Each Advisory Panel should include at least one Secondary Advisor who is a member of the academic staff of the University and is on the Register of Advisors. Additional Secondary Advisors who are not on the Register may be appointed because of their expertise. These Secondary Advisors may be external to the University and are not required to apply for admission to the Register of Advisors.

Advisor Mentor

Each Advisory Panel should include at least one person with Advisor Mentor Status on the Register of Advisors where the Primary Advisor is new to the role or additional supervisory support is indicated.