
Graduate Research School Available Projects Enterprise and sector transformation

Enterprise and sector transformation

Title of Project

Enterprise and sector transformation


Professor Siggi Gudergan

College or Research Centre

College of Business, Law & Governance

Summary of Project

Rather than just reacting to change, successful enterprises proactively drive strategic transformations setting new performance frontiers for themselves and, in most cases, the sectors in which they operate. Opportunities exist for doctoral candidates to become involved in developing frameworks to drive enterprise and sector transformation. Projects can focus on a variety of contexts such as SMEs and corporates, for-profit and non-for-profit entities, start-ups, and NGOs to name a few.


Key Words

strategic management; Strategic renewal; Strategic transformation; Managerial decision making; Innovation management; Entrepreneurship; Internationalisation; Customer experience management

Would suit an applicant who

is a professional and wants to advance thought leader knowledge and competencies as a means to move into senior consultant, advisor, director, partner, top management, and similar roles; or aspires to be a future academic who wants to have a successful career in business schools around the globe.

Updated: 13 Apr 2023