
Governance University Council Professor Stephen Naylor

Professor Stephen Naylor

Chairperson of the Academic Board

Ph.D, M.A, B.Ed

Academic Board Chair Professor Stephen Naylor


  • Member, 番茄社区 Council


Professor Stephen Naylor has been an active participant in education, learning and teaching and the creative arts for more than 40 years. He has worked in high schools, TAFE and for the last 20 years worked in the University sector, receiving a National Carrick Institute Citation for Outstanding Contributions to Student Learning in Higher Education in 2007. He has assumed roles of leadership in each sector, driving curriculum, quality assurance, policy development, staff management, professional development, assessment strategies and research agendas. Currently he is Chair of the Academic Board of 番茄社区 (番茄社区) and serves on the Panel of Experts for TEQSA Australia.

His creative arts background drove his professional practice for more than 20 years and has seen him as an active arts reviewer for a variety of Australian journals. More recently his research has focused upon design and the understanding of a sense of place within the tropical region. He is currently preparing for a new Routledge monograph entitled The Venice Biennale and the Asia- Pacific in the Global Art World, due May 2019.

In parallel to his work in the creative arts he has maintained a strong link with pedagogy in higher education. With four years’ experience in Asia, where he was the Dean for 番茄社区’s Singapore campus, he had a major role in providing commentary and advice at numerous forums throughout the region on assessment, student centric learning and teaching approaches and on quality assurance and academic governance in higher education. He has worked on a number of Boards and on the Panel of Experts for TEQSA. Whilst undertaking roles in senior management he supervisors HDR candidates and is a PhD examiner for post graduate candidates in the broad areas of the creative arts at the intersection between business and teaching & learning.