
How to apply – International Exchange

Outbound exchange application process for current ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø students

·¬ÇÑÉçÇø offers eligible students the opportunity to complete a semester or full year of their studies on an exchange experience through a Partner University. To complete an exchange application, you will be required to follow the instructions below.

Before commencing an application, you will need to determine if you meet the eligibility criteria for an exchange program. The key eligibility criteria require you to have:

  • a GPA of 4.50 or higher,
  • completed 24 credit points (1 EFTSL) of study within your current course of admission, and
  • admission to a degree that supports an exchange experience.

If you have free electives in your degree structure, it is recommended that you reserve these for your exchange experience.

Additionally, if you are planning on continuing your degree at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø after completing an exchange, you will want to ensure your course progression is not negatively impacted by your studies overseas. It is recommended that students have an updated study plan or speak with the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Enrolments team to check for any issues.

Log into the Global Experience Portal and review the brochures of potential Host Universities. You can filter the search parameters to narrow down the options to suit your preferences.

When thinking about which university will have the best exchange experience for you overall, you should consider the following:

  • areas of study available for exchange students,
  • accommodation options,
  • associated costs such as flights, visas, cost of living, etc.,
  • program dates, and
  • location and potential activities.

Identify your top preferences.

Once you have identified the Host University you want to complete an exchange with, go to brochure of that university in the Global Experience Portal. If this program is accepting applications, you will see an Apply Now button.

Exchange applications are completed six to eight months in advance of the intended exchange period. The key application dates for exchange programs are:

  • First Half of Year: May 1st – July 31st
  • Second Half of Year: September 1st – November 30th

Once you have commenced your application, you will have entered the Pre-Decision phase of the application process. You must complete all elements of your application before the deadline or your application may be rejected.

In the Pre-Decision phase, in addition to providing general information, you will need to specify which units you would like to study overseas by completing a Credit Transfer Form.

To successfully complete this form, you will need to review the Host University’s course catalogue and identify the potential ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø equivalent (if a Core unit) or potential year level equivalent (if an Elective unit). It is recommended to propose a minimum of six units as potential options.

Your Pre-Decision phase is considered complete when all modules have been submitted and your Credit Transfer Form has been completed successfully.

Your application is not immediately approved once all Pre-Decision modules have been completed. Your application is only approved once your Credit Transfer Form has been signed off by your Course Coordinator and the Host University has accepted your nomination.

The Global Experience team will contact the Host University to request the syllabus for each unit listed on your Credit Transfer Form. Once provided, your Course Coordinator will be contacted to assess and provide consent. Please be aware that this can take up to 20 university working days for an outcome.

Note: If the proposed units are not approved, you will be contacted to make changes and the above process will be repeated.

Once your Credit Transfer Form is approved, the Global Experience team will then nominate you as an exchange student to the Host University.

Note: Please be aware that each Host University has a different Nomination period. As a result, you might not receive an update for a few months. Once your Nomination has been submitted, you will be informed via email.

Once your Nomination has been accepted by the Host University, you will move to the Post-Decision phase of your application. The first step of this process is to complete the Commit to the program module. By completing this module, you are agreeing to participate in the exchange program.

You will receive an email from the Host University with instructions on how to apply as an International Exchange student.

Note: Please be aware that there may be a short deadline to complete all elements of the application.

Ensure you have submitted all application elements to the Host University by their application deadline. If you miss this deadline, your exchange application will be rejected.

Once your Host University has accepted your application, you will be sent an offer with instructions on how to accept your offer with instructions on how to accept your offer and issue you with an acceptance letter. You will be required to upload the Letter of Acceptance to the Global Experience Portal via the Upload Proof of Acceptance module.

You will then be permitted to continue your Post-Decision application.

Before your departure, you will need to complete all of the modules listed in your Post-Decision module.

These modules will include:

  • Submitting your flight and travel details for the exchange program
  • Applying for funding assistance - Reviewing and consenting to terms and conditions
  • Completing Pre-Departure training via a Learn·¬ÇÑÉçÇø organisation

In addition to the above, you will need to attend a mandatory Pre-Departure training session which will be held at least two months prior to the exchange period. This session will also cover instructions on how to complete and follow ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s risk assessment process.

You will need to complete a Risk Assessment, Field Trip Module and Critical Incident Plan prior to your departure which will need to be approved by ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø’s Chief of Staff. If any of your risk documentation is not approved, your exchange will be cancelled.

Once all the above steps have been followed, you will then depart for your exchange.

While overseas, the Global Experience team will conduct regular check-ins via your ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø email which you are required to respond to.

You are encouraged to upload any photos or videos of your experience to our Dropbox so we can see what you have been up to.

Once you have completed your exchange, you will need to email Global Experience to confirm your return to Australia. To receive credit for your exchange studies, your transcript from the Host University must be provided to the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Enrolments team.

  • If your transcript was provided to you, please send a copy to Global Experience and Enrolments.
  • If your transcript was provided to Global Experience, it will be forwarded on to you and Enrolments (physical copies will be kept on campus for you to collect).

If you are continuing your degree at ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø after your exchange experience, the Global Experience team will arrange a debrief session to discuss your experience and acquire feedback.

Schedule an appointment for assistance

If at any point you require further assistance with your application, you can reschedule an appointment with a Global Experience Advisor who can assist with the process.

Contact ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø Global Experience