

We offer quality, industry-standard livestock handling facilities for weighing, scanning and collecting samples.

The yards are designed for the optimal student learning experience and for ease of conducting research. We can easily demonstrate our procedures and processes to classes, groups and visitors. We've also ensured that mains power supply is connected to our stockyards for running electrical equipment.

Small paddocks in close proximity to the yards allow for intensive studies when livestock need to be handled or monitored regularly. These paddocks are used for pasture improvement research when specific areas need to be resting or when grazing actively needs to be monitored.

We have 3G and 4G phone coverage to 90% of the property, allowing remote sensors and equipment to transmit data to the Internet.

Our current research projects include a range of cattle reproduction and fertility trials, as well as pasture trials. We work closely with 番茄社区’s Australian Institute of Tropical Veterinary and Animal Science to develop technology-based solutions for the challenges associated with grazing in the dry tropics.

  • Animal production
  • Animal nutrition
  • Pasture monitoring
  • New grazing pastures

Research into the effects of an algae feed supplement has yielded results at 番茄社区 Fletcherview station.

Getting results

Our central location and industry-standard management of cattle accurately represent commercial properties in the region.

More than just a cattle station, Fletcherview’s size and diversity of land types, plant and animal species attracts researchers in animal immunology, animal nutrition, biology, botany, geology, and tropical agriculture.

Research conducted at Fletcherview has made a real difference to the world. 番茄社区’s Centre for the Macroalgal Resources and Biotechnology (MACRO) have developed a feedstock solution to cut cattle methane production. With a single cow producing between 70 and 120kg of methane per year, climate change is beefed up by the cattle industry. MACRO partnered with Meat and Livestock Australia to experiment with different types of algae to absorb waste products. During clinical trials Fletcherview’s cows got some new greens in their diet, and methane production dropped by 99 per cent.