
Flora Identification Chart

Please note that the first family name listed is the one currently in use at the Queensland Herbarium (Census of the Queensland Flora, 2007

Editors Peter D. Bostock and Ailsa E. Holland). Other names are ones used in the Flora of Australia and other publications.

Acanthaceae Asystasia gangetica Chinese violet herb white to mauve
Acanthaceae Pseuderanthemum variabile Love bush herb whitish to blue
Adiantaceae Adiantum atroviride Maidenhair fern

Adiantaceae Adiantum hispidulum var. hispidulum Rough maidenhair fern

Adiantaceae Cheilanthes sp. Cloak fern fern

Amaranthaceae Amaranthus viridis Green amaranth herb greenish
Amaranthaceae Gomphrena celosioides Gomphrena weed herb papery, pale
Anacardiaceae Blepharocarya involucrigera Rose butternut tree pale
Anacardiaceae Buchanania arborescens Satinwood tree white
Anacardiaceae Euroschinus falcata var. falcata Ribbon wood, Maiden's blush tree pink
Anacardiaceae Mangifera indica Mango tree yellowish
Anacardiaceae Rhus taitensis

tree white
Annonaceae Cananga odorata Ylang ylang tree yellowish
Annonaceae Melodorum leichhardtii

shrub, climber yellowish
Annonaceae Melodorum uhrii

climber yellowish
Annonaceae Miliusa brahei Raspberry jelly tree tree yellowish
Annonaceae Miliusa horsfieldii

tree yellowish
Annonaceae Miliusa traceyi

tree green
Annonaceae Polyalthia australis Canary beech shrub, tree cream
Annonaceae Polyalthia nitidissima

shrub, tree yellow
Annonaceae Uvaria concava

vine, scrambler white with pink
Annonaceae Xylopia maccraei MacCrae's bitterwood tree white
Apocynaceae Alstonia muelleriana Hard milkwood tree white
Apocynaceae Alstonia scholaris Milky pine tree white
Apocynaceae Alyxia ilicifolia Chain fruit shrub white
Apocynaceae Alyxia ruscifolia subsp. ruscifolia Chain fruit shrub white
Apocynaceae Alyxia spicata Chain fruit shrub, scrambler white
Apocynaceae / Asclepiadaceae Gymnanthera oblonga

climber white
Apocynaceae / Asclepiadaceae Hoya australis subsp. tenuipes

vine cream
Apocynaceae / Asclepiadaceae Hoya pottsii Common waxflower vine white
Apocynaceae Ichnocarpus frutescens

vine white
Apocynaceae Melodinus acutiflorus

vine white
Apocynaceae Parsonsia latifolia

vine greenish
Apocynaceae Parsonsia lenticellata

vine cream
Apocynaceae Parsonsia velutina

vine cream, greenish
Apocynaceae Tabernaemontana orientalis Eastern gondola bush shrub white
Apocynaceae / Asclepiadaceae Tylophora benthamii

vine dark red
Apocynaceae Wrightia laevis subsp. millgar

tree white
Araceae Epipremnum pinnatum Native Monstera vine whitish, green
Araceae Pothos longipes

vine whitish, green
Araliaceae Polyscias australiana Ivory basswood tree white
Araliaceae Polyscias elegans Celerywood tree red
Araliaceae Schefflera actinophylla Umbrella tree tree, epiphyte red
Arecaceae Archontophoenix alexandrae Alexandra palm palm

Arecaceae Calamus australis Hairy Mary scrambler

Acecaceae Calamus caryotoides Fish-tail lawyer cane scrambler

Arecaceae Calamus moti


Arecaceae Linospadix minor Clustered walking stick palm palm

Arecaceae Livistona muelleri Dwarf fan palm palm

Arecaceae Ptychosperma elegans Solitaire palm palm

Aspleniaceae Asplenium nidus Bird's nest fern, Crow's nest fern

Asteraceae Ageratum conyzoides Billygoat weed herb white to mauve
Asteraceae Calyptocarpus vialis Creeping cinderella weed herb yellow
Asteraceae Crassocephalum crepidioides Thick head herb reddish
Asteraceae Cyanthillium cinereum Vernonia herb pink to purple
Asteraceae Eclipta prostrata White eclipta herb white
Asteraceae Erechtites valerianifolius Brazilian fireweed herb white to mauve
Asteraceae Erigeron karvinskianus Seaside daisy herb white to pink with yellow
Asteraceae Gamochaeta pensylvanica Cudweed herb white
Asteraceae Coronidium rupicola. Yellow buttons herb yellow
Asteraceae Praxelis clematidea Praxelis herb blue
Asteraceae Pterocaulon serrulatum Ragweed herb green, pale
Asteraceae Pterocaulon sphacelatum Applebush herb green, pale
Asteraceae Sphagneticola trilobata Singapore daisy herb yellow
Asteraceae Synedrella nodiflora Cinderella weed herb yellow
Asteraceae Tridax procumbens Tridax daisy herb white
Atherospermaceae Daphnandra repandula Grey sassafras tree greenish
Balanophoraceae Balanophora fungosa

herbaceous brownish
Bignoniaceae Deplanchea tetraphylla Golden bouquet tree tree yellow
Bignoniaceae Neosepicaea jucunda

climber red
Bignoniaceae Pandorea pandorana Wonga vine vine white to purple
Blechnaceae Blechnum orientale Water fern fern

Blechnaceae Doodia aspera Prickly rasp fern fern

Bombacaceae Bombax ceiba Bombax, Red silk cotton tree tree red
Boraginaceae Ehretia sp. (Whitfield Range)

shrub white
Boraginaceae Trichodesma zeylanicum Camel bush herb mauve
Brassicaceae Cardamine flexuosa Wood bittercress herb cream
Burseraceae Canarium australianum var. australianum Mango bark, Brown cudgeree tree white
Byttneriaceae/Malvaceae Commersonia bartramia Brown tamarind tree white
Celastraceae Elaeodendron melanocarpum

scrambler greenish
Celastraceae Euonymus australiana

shrub white
Celastraceae Hedraianthera porphyropetala Hedraianthera tree white to purple
Celastraceae Hippocratea barbata Knot vine scrambler yellowish
Celastraceae Denhamia fasciculiflora

shrub, tree white
Celastraceae Salacia disepala Lolly vine scrambler green to whitish
Celastraceae Siphonodon membranceus Ivorywood tree white
Clusiaceae Calophyllum australianum Blush touriga tree white
Clusiaceae Calophyllum sil Blush touriga tree white
Clusiaceae Garcinia warrenii Native mangosteen tree white
Combretaceae Terminalia sericocarpa Damson tree white
Commelinaceae Commelina benghalensis Commelina herb blue
Commelinaceae Pollia macrophylla Pollia herb blue to purple
Connaraceae Connarus conchocarpus Shell vine, Conch vine vine white
Convolvulaceae Ericybe coccinea

vine white
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea cairica Coastal morning glory vine purple to bluish purple
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea hederifolia Scarlet creeper vine red
Convolvulaceae Ipomoea quamoclit Star of Bethlemem vine red
Convolvulaceae Merremia quinquefolia Mile-a-minute vine white
Cucurbitaceae Diplocyclos palmatus Striped cucumber, native bryony vine white
Cucurbitaceae Momordia charantia Balsam pear vine yellow
Cucurbitaceae Trichosanthes pentaphylla Red gourd vine vine white
Cunoniaceae Davidsonia pruriens Davidson's plum tree pink
Cunoniaceae Pseudoweinmannia lachnocarpa Mararie tree white
Cyperaceae Carex indica

sedge brownish
Cyperaceae Cyperus aromaticus Navua sedge sedge brownish
Cyperaceae Gahnia aspera Saw sedge sedge brownish
Cyperaceae Scleria sp.

sedge brownish/white
Dichapetalaceae Dichapetalum papuanum

shrub, tree yellowish
Dilleniaceae Hibbertia scandens Climbing guinea flower scambler yellow
Dilleniaceae Tetracera daemeliana Large-leafed fire vine climber red
Dilleniaceae Tetracera nordtiana var. nordtiana Fire vine climber white
Dioscoreaceae Dioscorea bulbifera Aerial potato, Air potato, Yam vine white
Dracaenaceae Pleomele angustifolia Native dracaena herb greenish-white
Dryopteridaceae Coveniella poecilophlebia


Ebenaceae Diospyros cupulosa Native ebony shrub, tree white
Ebenaceae Diospyros hebecarpa Scrub ebony shrub, tree white
Elaegnaceae Elaeagnus triflora Millaa Millaa vine srambler, shrub white
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus bancroftii Kuranda quandong tree white
Elaeocarpaceae Elaeocarpus grandis Quandong tree white
Elaeocarpaceae Sloanea langii White carabeen tree white
Euphorbiaceae Aleurites rockinghamensis Candlenut tree white
Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia hirta Asthma plant herb reddish
Euphorbiaceae Claoxylon tenerifolium Queensland brittlewood tree

Euphorbiaceae Croton insularis Silver croton shrub, tree

Euphorbiaceae Euphorbia heterophylla Wild poinsettia herb greenish
Euphorbiaceae Homalanthus novoguineensis Tropical bleeding heart shrub, tree greenish
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga involucrata var. mallot. Brown macaranga shrub, tree yellowish
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga subdentata Needlebark shrub, tree cream
Euphorbiaceae Macaranga tanarius Macaranga tree yellowish
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus mollissimus Kamala shrub, tree greenish
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus nesophilus Yellow ball flower shrub, tree yellow
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus philippensis Red kamala shrub, tree rusty-brown
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus polyadenos Kamala, Green kamala shrub, tree cream
Euphorbiaceae Mallotus repandus

vine cream
Euphorbiaceae Tragia finalis Stinging vine vine green
Eupomatiaceae Eupomatia laurina Bolwarra shrub cream
Fabaceae Arachnis pintoi Pinto peanut herb yellow
Fabaceae Austrosteensia blackii Blood vine vine dark red
Fabaceae Calopogonium mucunoides Calopo vine purplish
Fabaceae Castanospermum australe Black bean tree orange to red
Fabaceae Centrosema molle Centro vine mauve
Fabaceae Crotalaria goreensis Gambia pea herb yellow
Fabaceae Crotalaria pallida Streaked rattlepod herb yellow
Fabaceae Crotalaria trichotoma Cusara pea, Zanzibar rattlepod herb yellow
Fabaceae Derris sp. (Daintree Boyland)

vine pink
Fabaceae Macroptilium atropurpureum Siratro vine dark purple
Fabaceae Medicago sativa Lucerne herb mauve
Fabaceae Millettia pinnata Pongamia tree pink to mauve
Fabaceae Mucuna gigantea Burny vine vine green
Fabaceae Rhynchosia acuminatissima

vine pale yellow with purple
Fabaceae Stylosanthes guianensis Stylo herb, woody yellow with orange
Flacourtiaceae Casearia (Mission Beach)

shrub, tree greenish
Flacourtiaceae Scolopia braunii Flintwood tree green
Flagellariaceae Flagellaria indica Supplejack, Whip vine vine white
Haloragaceae Gonocarpus sp.

subshrub red
Hemerocallidaceae / Phormiaceae Dianella atraxis Northern flax lily herb blue
Hemerocallidaceae / Phormiaceae Dianella bambusifolia Flax lily herb blue, white
Hemerocallidaceae / Phormiaceae Dianella caerulea Blue flax lily herb blue
Hemerocallidaceae / Philesiaceae, Smil. Geitonoplesium cymosum Scrambling lily vine white to pale mauve
Lamiaceae Clerodendrum costatum Flowers of magic shrub white
Lamiaceae Clerodendrum floribundum Lolly bush shrub white
Lamiaceae Clerodendrum traceyanum Tracey's clerodendrum shrub white
Lamiaceae Faradaya splendida Potato vine vine, climber white
Lamiaceae Glossocarya hemiderma

scrambler white
Lamiaceae Gmelina fasciculiflora Northern white beech tree purple
Lamiaceae Hyptis capitata Knobweed woody herb white
Lamiaceae Viticipremna queenslandica Vitex tree white
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia bancroftii Yellow walnut tree grenish
Lauraceae Beilschmiedia obtusifolia Blush walnut tree greenish
Lauraceae Cassytha filiformis Dodder vine yellowish
Lauraceae Cryptocarya clarksoniana Clarkson's laurel tree greenish
Lauraceae Cryptocarya exfoliata

tree greenish
Lauraceae Cryptocarya grandis Cinnamon laurel tree cream
Lauraceae Cryptocarya hypospodia Northern laurel tree greenish, cream
Lauraceae Cryptocarya laevigata Glossy laurel tree greenish
Lauraceae Cryptocarya mackinnoniana Rusty laurel tree brownish
Lauraceae Cryptocarya murrayi Murray's laurel tree white
Lauraceae Cryptocarya triplinervis var. riparia Brown laurel tree greenish
Lauraceae Cryptocarya vulgaris Northern laurel tree greenish
Lauraceae Endiandra acuminata Brown walnut tree cream, white
Lauraceae Endiandra hypotephra Northern rose walnut tree red
Lauraceae Endiandra impressicosta Steelbutt tree white
Lauraceae Endiandra leptodendron

tree bluish, green
Lauraceae Endiandra longipedicellata Buff walnut tree cream
Lauraceae Litsea bindoniana Bollywood tree greenish
Lauraceae Litsea fawcettiana Bollywood tree greenish
Lauraceae Litsea leefeana Bollywood tree greenish yellow
Lauraceae Neolitsea dealbata White bollygum tree pale yellow
Laxmanniaceae / Dracaenaceae Cordyline cannifolia Palm-lily herb, shrub white
Laxmanniaceae / Philesiaceae Eustrephus latifolius Wombat berry vine pale pink to mauve
Lecythidaceae Planchonia careya Cocky apple tree white
Loganiaceae Strychnos minor Strychnine bush shrub, scambler white
Loranthaceae Amyema conspicua subsp. conspicua Mistletoe epiphyte green
Loranthaceae Amylotheca dictyophleba Mistletoe epiphyte red to green to yellow
Loranthaceae Dendrophthoe glabrescens Mistletoe epiphyte yellow to reddish
Lycopodiaceae Lycopodiella cernua Coral fern fern

Malvaceae Hibiscus tiliaceus Beach hibiscus, Coast cottonwood tree yellow, maroon centre
Malvaceae Sida acuta Spinyhead sida subshrub yellow
Malvaceae Sida cordifolia Flannel weed subshrub yellow
Malvaceae Sida rhombifolia Common sida, paddy's lucerne subshrub yellow
Malvaceae Urena lobata Urena burr subshrub pink
Meliaceae Aglaia sapindina Smooth fruited aglaia tree cream
Meliaceae Dysoxylum arborescens Mossman mahogany tree greenish to pale mauve
Meliaceae Dysoxylum gaudichaudianum Ivory mahogany tree white
Meliaceae Dysoxylum mollissimum subsp. molle Miva mahogany tree yellow
Meliaceae Dysoxylum oppositifolium Pink mahogany tree white
Meliaceae Dysoxylum papuanum Spicy mahogany tree greenish
Meliaceae Dysoxylum parasiticum Yellow mahogany tree white
Meliaceae Dysoxylum pettigrewianum Spur mahogany tree white
Meliaceae Melia azedarach White cedar tree mauve
Meliaceae Vavaea amicorum Vavaea tree white
Memecylaceae / Melastomataceae Memecylon hylandii

shrub white to blue
Memecylaceae / Melastomataceae Memecylon pauciflorum Memecylon shrub white to blue
Menispermaceae Hypserpa laurina Laurel-leafed hypserpa vine yellowish
Menispermaceae Pachygone ovata

vine white
Menispermaceae Sarcopetalum harveyanum Pearl vine vine white
Menispermaceae Stephania japonica Tape vine, Snake vine vine white
Mimosaceae Acacia celsa Hickory wattle tree yellow
Mimosaceae Acacia crassicarpa Thick podded salwood tree yellow
Mimosaceae Acacia flavescens Red wattle, Yellow wattle shrub, tree yellow
Mimosaceae Acacia holosericea Silver-leafed wattle shrub yellow
Mimosaceae Acacia mangium Hickory wattle tree yellow
Mimosaceae Acacia polystachya Wattle tree yellow
Mimosaceae Acacia simsii Sim's wattle, Heathland wattle shrub yellow
Mimosaceae Albizia procera Forest siris tree white
Mimosaceae Mimosa pudica Common sensitive plant subshrub pink to purple
Mimosaceae Falcataria toona Mackay cedar, Red siris tree greenish
Monimiaceae Wilkiea (Tetrasynandra) pubescens Tetra beech shrub, tree greenish
Monimiaceae Wilkiea macrophylla

tree yellowish
Monimiaceae Wilkiea rigidifolia

tree yellowish
Moraceae Ficus congesta Red leaf fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus fraseri Sandpaper fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus hispida Hairy fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus leptoclada Figwood, Atherton fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus microcarpa Small-fruited fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus mollior Fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus opposita var. opposita Sandpaper fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus racemosa Cluster fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus septica Septic fig tree fig
Moraceae Ficus variegata Variegated fig tree fig
Moraceae Streblus pendulinus Flintwood, Smooth streblus tree fig'
Moraceae Trophis scandens Bury vine vine greenish
Musaceae Musa banksii Native banana herb pale
Myristicaceae Myristica insipida Native nutmeg tree yellowish
Myrsinaceae/Primulaceae Ardisia brevipedata Ardisia, Rambling spearflower shrub white
Myrsinaceae/Primulaceae Embelia australiana Embelia climber white
Myrsinaceae/Primulaceae Embelia caulialata

Maesaceae/Primulaceae/Myrsinaceae Maesa dependens Maesa scrambler cream
Myrsinaceae/Primulaceae Myrsine porosa Northern muttonwood shrub, tree whitish
Myrsinaceae/Primulaceae Myrsine subsessilis subsp. crypt. Red muttonwood shrub, tree whitish
Myrsinaceae/Primulaceae Myrsine variabilis Muttonwood shrub, tree whitish
Myrtaceae Acmenosperma claviflorum Grey satinash tree white
Myrtaceae Corymbia intermedia Pink bloodwood, Red bloodwood tree white
Myrtaceae Corymbia tessellaris Moreton Bay ash. Carbeen tree white
Myrtaceae Decaspermum humile Brown myrtle tree white
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus crebra Narrow-leafed ironbark tree white
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus pellita Large-fruited red mahogany tree white
Myrtaceae Eucalyptus tereticornis Forest red gum, Blue gum tree white
Myrtaceae Eugenia reinwardtiana Beach cherry shrub, tree white
Myrtaceae Gossia myrsinocarpa Small-leafed myrtle tree white
Myrtaceae Lophostemon suaveolens Swamp mahogany tree white
Myrtaceae Melaleuca dealbata Paperbark, Tea-tree tree white
Myrtaceae Melaleuca leucadendra Paperbark, Tea-tree tree white
Myrtaceae Psidium guajava Guava shrub, tree white
Myrtaceae Rhodamnia sessiflora Iron malletwood tree white
Myrtaceae Rhodamnia spongiosa Northern malletwood tree white
Myrtaceae Rhodomyrtus macrocarpa Finger cherry tree white
Myrtaceae Syzygium cormiflorum Bumpy satinash tree white
Myrtaceae Syzygium fibrosum Fibrous satinash tree white
Myrtaceae Syzygium kuranda Kuranda satinash tree white
Myrtaceae Syzygium tierneyanum Bamaga satinash tree white
Nyctaginaceae Pisonia aculeata Thorny pisonia tree green
Nyctaginaceae Pisonia umbellifera Cabbagewood, Bird lime tree tree whitte
Oleaceae Chionanthus ramiflora Native olive tree white
Oleaceae Jasminum aemulum Native jasmine vine white
Oleaceae Jasminum didymum Native jasmine vine white
Oleaceae Olea paniculata Native olive tree white
Onagraceae Ludwigia hyssopifolia

herb yellow
Onagraceae Ludwigia octovalvis Willow primrose herb yellow
Orchidaceae Corymborkis veratrifolia orchid terrestrial white
Orchidaceae Dendrobium canaliculatum Tea-tree orchid epiphyte various
Orchidaceae Dendrobium discolor Golden orchid herb yellow to gold
Pandanaceae Freycinetia scandens Climbing pandan climber white
Pandanaceae Pandanus monticola Scrub breadfruit tree greenish
Passifloraceae Passiflora foetida Stinking passionfruit vine white with bluish tinge
Passifloraceae Passiflora sp. (Kuranda BH) Passionfruit vine whitish
Petiveriaceae / Phytolaccaceae Rivina humilis Coral berry herb white
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Actephila vernicosa

shrub greenish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Antidesma erostre Currantwood tree greenish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Breynia stipitata Coffee bush, Fart bush shrub yellowish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus apodus Weeping cleistanthus tree greenish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Cleistanthus semiopacus Rusty cleistanthus tree whitish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Flueggia virosa subsp. melanth. White currant shrub greenish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Glochidion harveyanum Buttonwood shrub, tree greenish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Glochidion philippicum Little cheese tree, Philippine buttonwood shrub, tree greenish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Glochidion sumatranum Buttonwood, Cheese tree shrub, tree yellowish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus clamboides Phyllanthus shrub, tree whitish
Phyllanthaceae / Euphorbiaceae Phyllanthus cuscutifolius Phyllanthus whitish
Pinaceae Pinus caribaea Caribbean pine conifer

Piperaceae Piper caninum Native pepper vine greenish
Piperaceae Piper novae-hollandiae Giant pepper vine vine greeenish
Pittosporaceae Pittosporum rubiginosum Red pittosporum tree cream
Poaceae Axonopus compressus Broad-leafed carpet grass grass pale
Poaceae Brachyachne convergens Common native couch grass pale
Poaceae Chloris inflata Purple-top Rhodes grass grass pale to purplish
Poaceae Cynodon dactylon Couch grass grass pale
Poaceae Digitaria setigera

grass pale
Poaceae Echinochloa colona Awnless barnyard grass grass pale
Poaceae Leptaspis banksii Bank's leptaspis grass pale
Poaceae Megathrysus maximus var. maximus Guinea grass grass pale
Poaceae Melinus minutiflora Molasses grass grass pale to dark
Poaceae Melinus repens Red natal grass grass pale to reddish
Poaceae Oplismenus burmanii Burman's oplismenus grass pale
Poaceae Paspalum conjugatum Sourgrass grass pale
Poaceae Urochloa mosambicensis Sabi grass grass pale
Podocarpaceae Podocarpus grayae Northern brown pine podocarp

Polygalaceae Polygala paniculata Polygala herb white
Polypodiaceae Drynaria rigidula Basket fern fern

Polypodiaceae Drynaria sparsisora


Polypodiaceae Platycerium hillii Northern elkhorn fern

Polypodiaceae Pyrrosia longifolia Pyrrosia fern

Proteaceae Cardwellia sublimis Northern silky oak tree white
Proteaceae Darlingia darlingiana Brown silky oak tree white
Proteaceae Grevillea baileyana Bailey's silky oak tree white
Proteaceae Grevillea hilliana Hill's silky oak tree white
Proteaceae Helicia australasica Creek silky oak tree whitish
Proteaceae Helicia nortoniana Norton's oak tree yellowish
Proteaceae Musgravea heterophylla Briar silky oak tree pinkish
Pteridaceae Pteris ensiformis Slender brake fern

Rhamnaceae Alphitonia excelsa Red ash tree white
Rhamnaceae Alphitonia incana Hairy Sarsaparilla ash tree yellowish
Rhamnaceae Alphitonia petriei Pink ash, Sarsaparilla tree white
Rhamnaceae Emmenosperma alphitonioides Yellow ash tree white
Rhamnaceae Rhamnella vitensis Murtilam shrub, climber pale yellow
Rhamnaceae Ventilago ecorollata

climber white
Rhizophoraceae Carallia brachiata Carallia, Freshwater mangrove

Rosaceae Rubus sp. Native raspberry scrambler white
Rubiaceae Aidia racemosa Wild randa shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Antirhea tenuiflora Antirhea shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Atractocarpus fitzalanii subsp. fitzalanii Brown gardenia shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Cyclophyllum coprosmoides Native coffee shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Gardenia ovularis Gardenia shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Ixora timorensis Native ixora shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Mitracarpus hirtus White eye herb white
Rubiaceae Nauclea orientalis Leichhardt tree tree white
Rubiaceae Neonauclea glabra Hard Leichhardt tree white
Rubiaceae Oldenlandia corymbosa var. corymbosa Oldenlandia herb white
Rubiaceae Pavetta australiensis Pavetta shrub white
Rubiaceae Psychotria dallachiana

shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Psychotria loniceroides Hairy psychotria shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Psydrax odorata Sweet Susie, Canthium shrub white
Rubiaceae Richardia brasiliensis White eye herb white
Rubiaceae Rubiaceae gen.nov. (Shute Harbour)

shrub, tree white
Rubiaceae Tarenna dallachiana Dallachy's tarenna tree white
Rubiaceae Timonius timon Timonius tree white
Rubiaceae Uncaria lanosa var. appendiculata

vine greenish
Rutaceae Acronychia acronychioides White aspen tree white
Rutaceae Acronychia laevis Hard aspen, Glossy acronychia tree white
Rutaceae Flindersia ifflaiana Ash hickory tree white
Rutaceae Flindersia schottiana Silver ash tree white
Rutaceae Geijera salicifolia var. salicifolia Scrub wilga tree white
Rutaceae Glycosmis trifoliata Pink-fruited glycosmis tree white
Rutaceae Melicope elleryana Pink evodia tree pink to mauve
Rutaceae Melicope rubra Evodiella tree dark pink
Rutaceae Melicope xanthoxyloides Yellow evodia tree cream
Rutaceae Zanthoxylum nitidum

vine white
Sapindaceae Alectryon tomentosus Hairy alectryon tree greenish
Sapindaceae Arytera divaricata Rose tamarind tree greenish
Sapindaceae Arytera pauciflora Pink tamarind tree white
Sapindaceae Castanospora alphandii Brown tamarind tree white
Sapindaceae Cupaniopsis foveolata White tamarind tree greenish, white
Sapindaceae Diploglottis diphyllostegia Northern tamarind tree yellowish
Sapindaceae Diploglottis smithii

tree white
Sapindaceae Ellatostachys microcarpa Scrub tamarind tree white
Sapindaceae Ganophyllum falcatum Daintree hickory tree greenish
Sapindaceae Guioa acutifolia

tree white
Sapindaceae Jagera pseudorhus var. integerrima Foambark, False sumac tree white, pinkish
Sapindaceae Lepiderema sericolignis Silkwood tree white
Sapindaceae Mischocarpus exangulatus Red bell mischocarp tree white
Sapindaceae Mischocarpus lachnocarpus Woolly pear fruit tree greenish
Sapindaceae Mischocarpus stipitatus Corduroy tree tree cream
Sapindaceae Synima cordierorum Synima tree white
Sapindaceae Toechima daemelianum Cape tamarind tree white
Sapindaceae Toechima erthrocarpum Pink tamarind tree white
Sapotaceae Palaquium galactoxylon Pencil cedar tree greenish, cream
Sapotaceae Pouteria/Planchonella brownlessiana Boxwood tree greenish, cream
Sapotaceae Pouteria/Planchonella chartacea Planchonella tree greenish, cream
Sapotaceae Pouteria/Planchonella obovata Yellow boxwood tree greenish, cream
Sapotaceae Pouteria/Planchonella pohlmaniana Yellow boxwood tree pale
Sapotaceae Pouteria xerocarpa Blush walnut tree greenish, cream
Schizeaceae Lygodium reticulatum


Simaroubaceae Brucea javanica Macassar kernals shrub, tree red
Smilacaceae Smilax australis Smilax, Sarsaparilla vine whitish
Solanaceae Capsicum annuum var. glabriusculum Bird pepper, chili herb white
Solanaceae Duboisia myoporoides Corkwood shrub white
Solanaceae Solanum americanum Black nightshade herb white
Solanaceae Solanum seaforthianum Brazilian nightshade scrambler, vine mauve
Solanaceae Solanum torvum Thornapple shrub white
Sparmanniaceae / Malvaceae Trichospermum pleiostigma False commersonia, Whitfield ash tree mauve
Sparmanniaceae / Malvaceae Triumfetta repens Triumfetta subshrub yellow
Sparmanniaceae / Malvaceae Triumfetta rhomboidea Triumfetta burr, Chinese burr subshrub yellow
Stemonuraceae / Icacinaceae Gomphandra australiana Buff beech tree green
Sterculiaceae Argyrodendron peralatum Red tulip oak tree cream
Sterculiaceae Argyrodendron polyandrum Brown tulip oak tree white
Sterculiaceae Sterculia quadrifida Peanut tree tree greenish
Thelypteridaceae Amphineuron terminans


Thelypteridaceae Christella dentata Binung fern

Thelypteridaceae Christella subpubescens


Ulmaceae Aphananthe philippinensis Native elm, Grey handlewood tree greenish
Ulmaceae Celtis paniculata Chinese elm, Silky celtis tree greenish
Ulmaceae Celtis philippensis Celtis tree greenish
Ulmaceae Trema cannabina Poison peach shrub, tree greenish
Ulmaceae Trema orientalis Peach cedar tree greenish
Ulmaceae Trema tomentosa var. tomentosa Poison peach shrub, tree green
Urticaceae Dendrocnide moroides Gympie Gympie shrub greenish
Urticaceae Pipturus argenteus White mulberry shrub greenish
Verbenaceae Lantana camara Lantana scrambler various
Verbenaceae Stachytarpheta jamaicensis Snakeweed herb,subshrub blue to whitish
Vitaceae Cayratia saponaria Native grape vine greenish
Vitaceae Cayratia japonica Bushkiller, Native grape vine greenish
Vitaceae Cissus antarctica Kangaroo vine, Water vine vine greenish
Vitaceae Cissus oblonga Smooth water vine vine greenish
Vitaceae Cissus penninervis Native grape vine greenish
Vitaceae Cissus reniformis Native grape vine greenish
Vitaceae Cissus repens Variegated water vine vine greenish
Vitaceae / Leeaceae Leea indica Bandicoot berry shrub greenish, white
Vitaceae Tetrastigma nitens Shining grape vine greenish
Winteraceae Bubbia semecarpoides Winter beech shrub, tree greenish
Xanthophyllaceae Xanthophyllum octandrum McIntyre's boxwood tree white
Zamiaceae Bowenia spectablis Showy bowenia, Zamia fern shrub, cycad

Zingiberaceae Alpinia caerulea Native ginger herb white
Zingiberaceae Amomum dallachyi Prickly ginger herb yellow