
Discover Nature at 番茄社区 Plants Choosing Plants for Areas Prone to Cyclones

Choosing Plants for Areas Prone to Cyclones

No tree will always stand up to cyclonic strength winds as there are many factors which influence their ability. However, some are more wind resistant than others. How well a tree performs depends on many factors such as how wet the soil is at the time; intensity and duration of strong wind gusts and particularly the type of root system. Some trees just don't like strong winds! Don't be deterred from planting such trees and shrubs though, because you might have 20-30 years of pleasure from them; just make sure that when they do fall they won't cause any serious damage.

  • Well chosen healthy trees can protect buildings and people.
  • Trees can intercept debris which may otherwise become a flying missile.
  • Well chosen plants offer protection for other plants and objects.
  • Well chosen trees or plantings will protect stream banks in times of floods.
  • Well chosen trees reduce shoreline and landscape damage.
  • Poorly chosen trees or a tree in the wrong place as up against a building give other trees a bad name.
  • Fallen trees may affect power lines etc, so check the height of the trees being planted.
  • Fallen trees and branches incur clean-up costs.
  • Remember we do need trees for shade at other times, so choice, height and position are most important.
  • Native trees and shrubs are particularly important for attracting wildlife. Birds often reduce insect pests on garden plants.

Image of fallen trees

Fallen trees incur clean-up costs

      Characteristics of trees for cyclones

      Stability factors

      Tree failure, causes of

      Guidelines for planting

      Take Home message, trees for cyclones


      Moderately resistant trees

      Non-wind resistant trees