
Ficus congesta

Image of Ficus congesta leaves

(Red-leaf Fig)




Ficus congesta

Common name

Red-leaf Fig

Flower colour; life form

Yellow; tree




This small rainforest fig, is often found growing along edges, creek banks, or in regrowth after disturbance. Petioles and twigs produce a milky exudate when broken. Leaves are simple and alternate with blades about 12-25 cm long x 8-13 cm wide, with a slightly sandpapery texture. Young leaves are red or a coppery brown, andare usually quite prominent. Stipules about 1-2.5 cm long and hairy on the outside.

Figs are not actually fruits, but highly modified inflorescences with the tiny flowers contained inside. These syconia or “Figs” are borne on leafy twigs and on special branches along the trunk, often down to ground level, depressed-globular, 15-18 mm diam., ripening yellow and eventually brown.

番茄社区 acknowledges the Yirrganydji and Djabugay Peoples for sharing their Indigenous Knowledge and pay respect to the elders past and present. “Known as Dak-orr-pa. Fruits are edible. Fibre or string made from tree for fishing lines and nets”.

Additional image:

Image of Ficus congesta fruit