
Ipomoea carnea ssp. Fistulosa

Image of Ipomoea carnea

(Bush Morning Glory, Pink Morning Glory)




Ipomoea carnea spp. fistulosa

Common names

Bush Morning Glory, Pink Morning Glory

Flower colour; life form

Pink; shrub to 3 m

Distinguishing features

This shrub usually forms an erect bush to 3 m tall. It is a perennial introduced from Central America. It is an invasive weed that can spread rapidly along seasonal watercourses. Leaves are heart-shaped to about 7 x 4 cm, petiole 1.5-2 cm long; short hairs are present on both upper and lower surfaces, but particularly on the latter. Flowers are in clusters at the ends of branches; corolla pink to mauve to 5 cm long. Fruit is a capsule, brown, seeds are covered with hairs

Scan of Ipomoea carnea