
Discover Nature at 番茄社区 Plants NQ Weeds by common name Salsola australis ( S. kali a non-Ausatralian species)

Salsola australis ( S. kali a non-Ausatralian species)

Image of Salsola kali

(Roly-poly, Prickly Saltwort, Tumbleweed)




Salsola australis

Common name(s)

Roly-poly, Prickly Saltwort, Tumbleweed

Flower colour; life form

Succulent shrub to about 60 cm tall.

Distinguishing features

NB Salsola kali is now treated as a non-Australian species.

Leaves semi-cylindrical with a sharp point, length very variable. Fruits surrounded by membraneous horizontal wings. Colour of plant may vary from green to red. Old plants break off and roll along the ground shedding fruits as it goes.

Salsola kali