
CPHMVS News and Events

News and Events

Allergy tests come up short
Fri, 1 Sep 2023
Scientists are calling for standardisation of allergy tests after laboratory trials showed commercially available tests are not uniformly reliable.

Covering children checks cancer
Thu, 15 Jun 2023
Study reveals children wearing sun smart clothing had 24% fewer new moles over a 3.5 year period.

Hairdressers to look for dangerous cancers
Wed, 7 Jun 2023
Hairdressers and barbers could play a vital role in detecting skin cancer as part of a 番茄社区 project.

Ambos feel the heat
Thu, 25 May 2023
Researchers have discovered calls to the Queensland Ambulance Service increase by more than 20% during some kind of heatwaves, and say communities need to be more aware of the danger as heatwaves grow in number and severity.

Suicide link to climate change unfounded
Fri, 28 Apr 2023
A 番茄社区 researcher says there is no evidence climate change is associated with increased suicide rates, and health administrators who believe there is may be prioritising a carbon net zero policy over patient health.

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