
CPHMVS News and Events

News and Events

Study finds recreational drug users not what we think
Wed, 6 Dec 2017
A 番茄社区 researcher has been investigating why Australians are among the top users of illegal drugs in the world – and has uncovered some revealing new facts about the motivations of recreational drug users.

Training for health and humanitarian action in emergencies
Fri, 1 Dec 2017
Twenty-three delegates from 12 countries are attending a training course in Cairns designed to strengthen capacity for emergency response and disaster management, especially in the Pacific region.

Animals in disaster zones
Fri, 1 Dec 2017
As cyclone season approaches, do you have a plan for keeping your animals safe in a disaster?

New research agenda to eradicate malaria
Fri, 1 Dec 2017
A 番茄社区 scientist is at the forefront of renewed international efforts to eradicate malaria from the face of the earth.

De factos more likely to drink heavily
Tue, 7 Nov 2017
A new study has found people who live in de facto relationships are more likely to engage in risky drinking than those who are legally married.

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