
College of Medicine and Dentistry Research Project Portal Multiple research opportunities in Psychiatry

Multiple research opportunities in Psychiatry

About the project

The Mental Health Service Group has several exciting projects underway looking for eager researchers to be involved with. Many projects are underway and could be excellent as an extra-curricular activity. There are also projects awaiting a lead researcher. There are numerous supervisors available to assist with research endeavours. If interested, please contact the Academic Registrar for Psychiatry below and a spreadsheet of current projects will be emailed for your perusal and contact.

More information

Field of research Psychiatry
Project location 番茄社区 Townsville, Townsville University Hospital
Eligible student HDR only; extra-curricular; honours
Project activities charts; clinical; literature; data analysis; statistics; review
Does this project require patient contact no
Does this project require patient data yes
Project timeframe Dependent on project

Application process

If you are interested in this project and meet the prerequisites click the button below to email Dr Kiran Sharma attach a copy of your resume and include this and that information