
PEP Allocation and Preferences

InPlace is 番茄社区’s placement management system through which all student PEPs are managed. InPlace is used to:

  • allocate students’ PEP
  • notify students of PEP allocation
  • co-ordinate and manage other PEP-related processes.

You can use InPlace to:

  • review the status of your PPRs
  • check your PEP allocation, including the dates
  • see your PEP history.

InPlace uses the contact details you add to the 番茄社区 student information system. Keep these current so the PEP Unit can easily contact you about your PEP. The PEP team only sends PEP advice to your 番茄社区 email address. Please check your email regularly for PEP communication.

Please remember your enrolment must remain current  Students are required to check this information on a regular basis as preference dates open will be advised via Learn番茄社区 announcements.

Students also may submit a preference for a particular region or date from the published list by logging onto InPlace and submit preferences electronically. Efforts are made by the PEP team to accommodate your preference requests; however this cannot be guaranteed. Previous placements (in-town, out-of-town, medical, surgical, or community) are reviewed and considered when allocating each student’s PEP to ensure equitable and educationally sound experiences.

Specific facility requests are to be emailed to nursingclinical@jcu.edu.au.

For any exceptions or extenuating circumstances considerations, please make an appointment to discuss these with Academic Lead: Professional Practice/Academic Lead: Practice Integration via nursingclinical@jcu.edu.au. Supporting medical or other documentation needs to be submitted using the 番茄社区 Special Consideration form and also emailed to nursingclinical@jcu.edu.au.