
Students Sourcing their own PEP

Whilst we appreciate many students have specific interests in clinical areas and may have contacts in a range of clinical environments, students CANNOT source their own PEP. This stipulation is in place because:

  • The University requires a formal legal agreement with the facility or overarching organisation.
  • The University requires a nursing/Midwifery specific agreement with the facility or overarching agreement.
  • The University needs to ensure appropriate clinical facilitation/support.
  • Many facilities will only deal directly with universities to organise PEP, and as such individual student contact may jeopardise any future PEP opportunities.

If you do have a contact within a certain facility in which you are interested, or who have advised that a PEP may be possible, please advise the Academic Lead: Professional Practice who will investigate this PEP possibility. We are unable to guarantee such PEP will be possible. All decisions relating to PEP are based on individual student circumstances and the philosophy/policy of equity.

NB: Students are advised not to make travel arrangements directly after the exam period listed on the yearly planner as this may be the timeframe when you will be participating in your professional experience placement.