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The role of community partners in Service Learning

As a community-based service and learning experience, the role of community organisations in service-learning is vital. Community organisations provide worthwhile experiences and support students in undertaking project work.

In Service Learning for Sustainable Futures, students independently approach organisations and negotiate how they could contribute to a real community need. This negotiate should put the aims and needs of the organisation first and ensure that the service learning experience will be of mutual benefit.

Students undertake their service Learning in a wide range of contexts including: non-profit organisations, health and human service agencies, schools, youth-serving and youth mentoring organisations, senior citizen facilities, environmental and land management groups, local government programs, museums and community revitalisation and cultural art endeavours

Students are required to undertake a minimum of 50hours service learning with the community organisation. The role of the organisation is to provide the necessary supervision and support, and to formally certify the completion of hours. Organisations are not required to contribute to students’ academic work and assessments.