
CITBA Our People CITBA Professoriate

CITBA Professoriate

Dean, College of Business, Law, and Governance

Professor Stephen Boyle is Dean of the College of Business, Law and Governance at 番茄社区. Prior to that, he was Dean: Academic at the University of South Australia Business School. Professor Boyle trained originally as a musician completing an Honours degree in Music Performance at the University of Adelaide and worked with many national and international artists during his career. He undertook his MBA at UniSA and then completed his PhD in cultural economics at Macquarie University. He studied with cultural economist, Professor David Throsby examining the economics of symphony orchestras in Australia.

Dean, 番茄社区 Singapore Campus

Professor Abhishek Singh Bhati is the Campus Dean of 番茄社区 Singapore. As Campus Dean, he contributes to 番茄社区’s Tropical Asian initiatives. His efforts guide the learning and teaching and academic governance of programs offered in 番茄社区 Singapore. He has been successful in securing collaborative grant with Office of Learning and Teaching (OLT), Australian Learning and Teaching Council (ALTC), external industry grant and several internal research grants. His current research interest is tourist behavior management, resilience planning and scholarship of Teaching and Learning.

Professor Peter Case’s research encompasses organization development, international development, rural development, global health, leadership studies and organization theory & philosophy. For the past nine years Peter has acted as a program management consultant for the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation (BMGF) funded Malaria Elimination Initiative (MEI) based at the University of California San Francisco, advising on projects in the Africa and the Greater Mekong Sub-region. He is currently co-leading an organization development project for the MEI in Zimbabwe concerned with restructuring and improving HIV prevention services at national and subnational level funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Emmanuel Adegbite is visiting Professor of Governance and Management. His published works on management accounting, corporate governance, corporate social responsibility and corporate finance have been widely cited and have, in collaboration, secured $1million SGD. He serves as Associate Editor for Business Ethics: A European Review (BEER) and is on the editorial boards of Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society and the International Journal of Corporate Social Responsibility. Emmanuel works closely with business leaders and policy influencers in implementing good corporate governance standards, and in developing strategies for instrumental corporate social responsibility.

Professor Ng's research focuses on managing diversity for organizational competitiveness, the changing nature of work and organizations, and managing across generations. He has served as Chair of the Diversity and Inclusion Theme Committee of the Academy of Management and the Gender and Diversity in Organizations division of the Administrative Sciences Association of Canada. He is presently the Editor-in-Chief of Equality, Diversity and Inclusion and an Associate Editor for Personnel Review.

Professor Babacan is a Senior Research Fellow, Rural Economies Centre of Excellence. She has a distinguished 25-year business career and scholarship in research, teaching and learning and community and professional service. She has held senior roles in higher education, public administration, and research and training such as Pro Vice Chancellor (Academic and Research), Dean, Head of School and Director of research Institutes. She was the Foundation Director of the Cairns Institute (2009-2012) and Director of the Institute for Community, Engagement and Policy Alternatives at Victoria University.

Alexander is Professor of Marketing at 番茄社区, and Director of the Centre for Tourism and Culture Management, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. He holds a PhD from Melbourne University in Melbourne, Australia. He is a leading international scholar of marketing and tourism management. Alexander publishes in marketing and tourism in publications such as Journal of Marketing, Journal of Retailing, and in tourism in Annals of Tourism Research and Journal of Travel Research.

Prof May Tan-Mullins became Dean International, 番茄社区 on the 1 Sept 2021. She was the Vice Provost for Teaching and Learning with the University of Nottingham Ningbo China and Director of multiple CEEC think tanks in China. She also worked in Durham University, UK and National University of Singapore. In addition, she is a recipient of the esteemed Camellia Friendship Award from the Ningbo government, China, in 2018 and Westlake Friendship Award from Zhejiang provincial government, China, in 2020.