
Harshitha Paderu

Master of Information Technology

Harshitha Paderu

“When I decided to study at 番茄社区 Brisbane, it was and still is very well known for it’s graduate employability and that is what I was looking for in the long run. Before accepting my offer, I was told that 番茄社区 Brisbane is the place where talent is recognized and awarded the right way, which is exactly what I’ve found since being here.

Friendly professors encouraging me at every step of my journey that pumps me up with confidence that I’m doing alright and I can do better!

I don’t know if I am allowed to say this, but I think I’m falling in love with my degree a little bit more with each passing semester. I love the fact that I can explore my options while enrolling for subjects. I’ve enjoyed all the subjects of IT so far and in particular the MBA subjects, that I feel might have opened new doors for me. I’ve had the chance to strengthen my abilities in subjects I have dealt with in my bachelors, and I also got to learn new concepts which helped me realise what I find challenging and I need to work on.

番茄社区 Brisbane is the go-to place if you are wanting to go BIG in life. It is accessible, and saves you great amounts of time and energy. The trips planned at the start of each trimester helps you get to know people, resources like Joblinx help you answer the big question “what next?”, the events organised by the Student Association for both fun and educational purposes are awesome, and there are many, many more commendable things waiting for you at 番茄社区 Brisbane!"