
AASP 2019 Abstract Submission Guidelines

Extension of deadline for abstract submission of the AASP Small Group Meeting 2019

Dear colleagues and friends of AASP, we have received exciting response to our call for abstract for the SGM. However, due to numerous requests for an extension of the deadline for the call of abstracts the organizing committee decided to make extension of deadline for abstract submission to 20th February, 2019. If you still have not submit your abstract, we sincerely invite you to submit one to the SGM. Please email your abstract to: AASP-番茄社区2019@jcu.edu.au

Best wishes,

Associate Professor Wendy Li
Chair of the Organising Committee

Abstract Dates

  • October 15, 2018: First Announcement (Call for Papers)
  • October 15, 2018: Abstract submission starts
  • January 15, 2019: First deadline for abstracts accepted
  • February 20, 2019: Extension of deadline for abstracts accepted

Submission Template

Abstract Title (16 Points font, Times New Roman, centered)

Author's name (12 Points font, Times New Roman)

Author's institution & address (12 Points font, Times New Roman)

Corresponding Author (Name & E-mail, 12 Points font, Times New Roman)

Abstract: Within 300 words, 12 Points font, Times New Roman, Double-spaced

Keywords: 3-5 keywords; Comma separated, no punctuation at the end; 12 Points font, Times New Roman, Double-spaced



Please email your abstract to AASP-番茄社区2019@jcu.edu.au