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Doceri is an iPad interactive annotator and whiteboard with screencast recorder and built in Wireless Remote Desktop Control. In practical terms this means you will be able to control the desktop PC from your iPad with the added ability to annotate and record your session. Doceri is available from Semester 1, 2013 on all Desktop PCs (Computer Rooms) in 番茄社区 common teaching rooms.

For more visit

  1. Log in to the desktop PC (番茄社区 credentials)

  2. Search for Doceri in the desktop PC - launch and accept the software licence agreement to continue

  3. Your username will be shown - enter a password for the Doceri session, e.g. 1234, confirm and click OK

    doceri desktop password
  4. The following screen is shown on the desktop PC

    connection dashboard

    The desktop PC’s IP address is shown below the computer name. The black and white pattern to the right is the QR code. Click the “Need help connecting” for some helpful hints

  5. Desktop PC connected

    ipad connected to desktop horisontal
  1. Connect to Eduroam wireless network

  2. Download Doceri from the App store and launch it

  3. Choose “through a computer” from the two of options

    doceri ipad
  4. Select a desktop Doceri PC - AVPCDA9002 showing

    select doceri desktop
  5. Touch the + sign and type in the Host Address of the desktop PC (the address can be found on the desktop PC screen) e.g. 137.219.xxx.xxx and press save – you will be asked to enter the password (the same as you used when setting up Desktop PC for the Doceri session above).

    ipad add result
  6. Touch the camera icon located on the bottom left hand corner of the iPad to scan the QR code on the desktop PC – after a successful scan you will be asked to enter the password (the same as you used when setting up the Desktop PC for the Doceri session above).

    ipad select using camera
  7. Press the remembered desktop PC if there is one. This will only work if that particular computer has the same IP address and is set up on the Desktop PC by the same username and password combination as last time.

    ipad remembered desktop
  8. iPad connected

    ipad connected to pc portrait