
COVID-19: Impacts to Research

Yes we are! Our team of experts are readily available as per normal business. We are adhering to the social distancing and associated requirements to ensure a safe workplace.

Yes. If your project is not impacted by the restrictions put in place by the Government, continue as scheduled.

You should first speak with your project contact at the industry body/funder to discuss how they would like to proceed and negotiate any variation that is required before contacting Research and Innovation Services. The funders/industry bodies may have their own forms of Variation Agreements they would like to use.


You should use video or teleconferencing for data collection and meetings. Ensure to apply social distancing and hygiene precautions in line with the current recommendations from State and Federal governments. If you have any concerns, please get in contact with us.

Seek advice from your animal facility’s Manager or the Animal Welfare Officer.

All Principal Investigators and Supervisors must provide oversight of COVID-19 risk mitigation strategies for the safety and wellbeing of potential participants, research teams and staff in line with current Federal and State government protocols.

Before starting any new experiments, liaise with the Manager of the animal facility in which you will work and take their advice.


As communications are received from the major funders, our Grants Team will update the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø research community on this advice. If you have any issues regarding the progress of your grant, please email grantsconnect@jcu.edu.au.

As communications are received from the major funders about the rounds, our Grants Team will update the ·¬ÇÑÉçÇø research community on this advice. If you have any concerns, please email grantsconnect@jcu.edu.au.