
Rayne Sweet

Finding a healthy balance in life has set Master of Rural and Remote Medicine student Rayne Sweet up for a new career path. Rayne has been a registered nurse for about six years and is currently based in Launceston, where she works in the rural and remote prison system. After finishing her third semester of the Master’s program in mid-2017, she has her eyes set on making the move to Northern Australia.Portrait of Rayne Sweet

“I am in the process of moving up to Townsville,” she said. “I am hoping to combine the skills I have learnt in the course with the new skills I’ve learnt in the nurse immunising course that I have just completed. The Masters of Rural and Remote Medicine has given me the confidence to try new things and new career paths.”

The practical skills and knowledge Rayne developed throughout the course has equipped her with the capabilities to work in rural and remote communities in Northern Australia and the Tropics.

“The two things that stood out to me about this course were the fact that it specifically works around rural remote medicine and it has real life application, not just office logistics and management,” she said. “All of the university staff are really approachable and knowledgeable, it goes to show that they are specialised in rural and remote medicine.”

Rayne said the key to success in the Master of Rural and Remote Medicine is to go at your own pace. The course offers options for students to study the Graduate Diploma or continue on to complete the Master’s degree for more in-depth study.

“The beauty of the course is that there is no pressure,” Rayne said. “You can go at your own pace and take baby steps. Even if you just do it to broaden your skill set in the practical sense, I haven’t found a part of the course that isn’t relevant to me as a registered nurse.”

Rayne likes to keep busy, so she is studying and working full-time. While juggling the two can be challenging, she makes the most of her free time to stay on top of tasks. Rayne said getting the right guidance and being with a good team allows her to find a happy balance.

“The staff have been really flexible at the postgraduate level and have helped me work around assignments and deadlines, which has been helpful and motivated me to finish the degree a lot faster,” she said. “It’s not a type of course that only a select few can do, you can find a healthy balance and have a life as well.”