
Deffy Tsang

I felt that gaining professional knowledge would really help me to contribute more to the community. I decided to study occupational therapy because I like how it has a focus on holistic health. It looks at physical and mental health and ways to improve wellbeing.Portrait of Deffy Tsang

The lecturers are all amazing. Their passion makes us really want to learn. Studying is not only about books, but about real life. The lecturers share their experiences with us and are very knowledgeable.

We can’t learn everything from a book, so going on placements is really important. During my last placement, I had opportunities to assist in conducting vocational-related assessments and home assessments, and developing intervention plans accordingly. I met a lot of people and learnt about their health, life, conditions and how that impacts on their capacity to work. Placements help us to become ready for the workplace.

The library is great. When we have assignments, we go there and the staff have everything for us. They are so helpful and give good advice.

I like living in Townsville so much. It’s a small community and everyone knows everyone. People always smile, plus the winter is perfect.

My advice to people thinking about studying occupational therapy would be to have a good understanding of the roles of occupational therapists and then reflect on whether it is really what you want to do. Be true to yourself!

I’ve learnt a lot and once I have graduated, I will be able to do more in the community. My studies have helped me to grow. I’m open to any opportunity in the future. I always want to do my best and keep learning every day so I can get better and better.