
Policy University Management WHS-PRO-021 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment 番茄社区 Research Station Procedure

WHS-PRO-021 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment 番茄社区 Research Station Procedure


To describe the process by which 番茄社区 (番茄社区) staff members, students, affiliates and visitors, request permission for children to be allowed to accompany them to a 番茄社区 research station.


This procedure applies to all members of 番茄社区 Council, 番茄社区 staff members, students, affiliates and visitors of the University.


Except as otherwise specified in this procedure, the meaning of terms used in this procedure are as per the Policy Glossary and the governing Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Policy.


The University acknowledges that at times there may be circumstances where a staff member, student, affiliate or visitor may request to have a child or children accompany them to a 番茄社区 research station.

1. Requirements

1.1  Parents or carers who wish to have a child accompany them to a research station must seek prior permission from the Research Station Manager and the Dean of Research.

1.2  Requests must be undertaken every time a carer wishes to bring a child with them to the research station.  Each request will be assessed on current circumstances, as circumstances may have changed from the last visit.

1.3  The carer must enquire with  the Research Station Manager regarding whether it is appropriate for a child to accompany the carer to the research station.

1.4  If the Research Station Manager assesses it is not an appropriate instance for an accompanied child to attend  the station, they will communicate this response to the carer in  writing within two working days.

1.5  If the Research Station Manager endorses an accompanied child attending the research station, then:

a)   The carer will complete a risk assessment for the trip, specifically addressing the presence and care management of the child;

b)   The carer must clearly demonstrate how the child will be cared for whilst at the research station. This may include an additional adult at the research station specifically to care for the child;

  • A person  engaged by the parent to care for the child while at the research station must also be included in the risk assessment;
  • All activities and potential hazards must be considered and taken into account;
  • Appropriate equipment required to ensure the safety of the child must be identified in the risk assessment;

c)   The carer will submit the risk assessment to the Research Station Manager, whereby it must be formally endorsed in writing within an agreed timeframe.

1.6  The carer must sign and complete Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement, Consent and Release form.

1.7  The carer will submit the endorsed risk assessment and the Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement, Consent and Release form to the Dean of Research.

1.8  The Dean of Research will review the application and risk assessment within 5 working days.

1.9  The Dean of Research may:

  • impose any reasonable conditions on the approval;
  • seek further information from the carer;
  • request amendments to the risk assessment.

1.10 The carer and/or the Research Station Manager will respond to the Dean of Research providing that further information or agreeing to the conditions imposed, prior to the child’s visit to the research station.

1.11 The application is then forwarded to the Dean of Research to approve.

1.12 The child and other persons in attendance for the welfare of the child are to be included in the research station safety induction or specifically instructed in safety requirements by the carer.

1.13 The carer is responsible for ensuring  that the child does not disrupt or inconvenience others at the research station.

1.14 The carer is responsible for ensuring  that the child is managed and cared for according to the care plan and risk assessment.

1.15 The Research Station Manager has absolute discretion to evaluate the conditions to determine if the risk assessment remains valid, or, if actual conditions have changed to the extent that another risk assessment is required.

1.16 The Research Station Manager has the absolute discretion to remove the child and carer from the research station.  This includes if circumstances change that alter the potential environmental, physical and health management considerations of the original risk assessment.

1.17 The Research Station Manager has the absolute discretion to remove the child and carer from the research station if the child is being disruptive and the potential risks are not being adequately assessed and managed.

Related policy instruments

Related policy instruments include but are not limited to the following documents. Further related instruments can be found at the Policy website.

Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Policy

WHS-PRO-020 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Procedure

WHS-PRO-022 Children in the Workplace and Study Environment Field Trip Procedure

WHS-PRO-INFO-020a Risk Assessment Considerations for Children Accompanying Carers to 番茄社区 Workplace

WHS-PRO-FORM-020b Parent/Guardian Acknowledgement, Consent and Release form


NOTE:  Printed copies of this procedure are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainWHS Management

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Work Health and Safety Committee

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



21-131/08/202101/09/2021Procedure reviewed. Amendments to clarify processes and improve readability.Manager, Work Health and Safety




Minor change to numbering convention due to renaming of the HSE Unit to WHS Unit

WHS Administrative Officer




Procedure established

Executive Officer, Services and Resources Division


Child, children, permission, research, research station, carer

Contact personManager, Work Health and Safety