
Policy University Management Vice Chancellor's Fellow Procedure

Vice Chancellor's Fellow Procedure


This Procedure outlines the criteria and process for the appointment of eminent individuals to be recognised as Vice Chancellor’s Fellows.


This Procedure applies to a person appointed by the Vice Chancellor for purposes beneficial to the development and implementation of the strategic, student, research or operational activities of the University.


Except as otherwise specified in this Procedure or the Honorary Appointments Policy, the meaning of terms used are as per the Human Resources Policy Glossary.


1. Selection and appointment

1.1 Potential nominations for up to three distinguished and influential individuals will be sought from the Vice Chancellor’s Academic Group in June of each year by the Vice Chancellor and President. Each nomination must detail an individual’s actual or anticipated contribution to the University and alignment with 番茄社区’s Strategic Intent. The nominee for a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow must be able to demonstrate that they are considered to be of national or international eminence and that it would be beneficial for the University to have an association with that person.

1.2 The Vice Chancellor’s Fellow will be appointed by the Vice Chancellor on the endorsement of the Vice Chancellor’s Academic Group in October each year. The Vice Chancellor will report the appointment of Vice Chancellor’s Fellows to University Council.

1.3 The title of Vice Chancellor’s Fellow may be given to any Honorary, Adjunct or Visiting Scholar Appointee who both meets the normal criteria for an honorary, adjunct or visiting scholar appointment, and is appointed by the Vice Chancellor to play a particular thought leadership role in an area of strategic importance for the University. Thus for example a person could be an Adjunct Professor who also carries the title of Vice Chancellor’s Fellow.

1.4 A letter of appointment will be prepared and forwarded by the Vice Chancellor that provides:

1.4.1 details of the appointment;

1.4.2 an outline of the activities the appointee will be expected to undertake;

1.4.3 the type and form of remuneration and/or reimbursement, if any, that will be provided for out of pocket expenses such as accommodation, airfares and other expenses associated with their appointment;

1.4.4 notification of any specific facilities or resources that will be provided such as;

  • secretarial support;
  • use of library and related services;
  • reasonable access to computer facilities, telephone, e-mail and internet services;
  • access to some funds to facilitate innovative 番茄社区 related seminars, workshops, and/or student or community engagement activities to be undertaken; and
  • office space, which may be offered at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor.

1.4.5 details of the Vice Chancellor's right to withdraw the appointment by written notification.

1.5   A Vice Chancellor’s Fellow title is conferred when the individual has accepted the offer by means of their formal letter of acceptance.

2.  Criteria and role

2.1 Appointees may remain in employment outside the University and give their time to the University in accordance with the agreed activities to be contributed to the University. Vice Chancellor’s Fellows may be:

2.1.1 eminent members of industry, other universities or international collaborators who work in partnership with the University;

2.1.2 members of national and international business, professional, vocational, industrial and cultural communities and members of other Universities who contribute to the University; or

2.1.3 staff from other organisations recognised for their contribution, or potential contribution to the University.

2.2 Vice Chancellor’s Fellows:

2.2.1 are expected to be involved with outreach in public intellectual discourse and debate, leadership development and mentorship to students and staff;

2.2.2 will not be, and are not considered as staff or students of the University;

2.2.3 are not regarded as a Professor of the University; and

2.2.4 must adhere to all of the policies and procedures of the University including requirements for workplace inductions where relevant/required.

2.3 The activities of the Vice Chancellor’s Fellow may include, but is not limited to:

2.3.1 providing specialist lectures and seminars;

2.3.2 assisting in collaborative projects;

2.3.3 mentoring staff;

2.3.4 encouraging networking arrangements for staff and students with industry and international partners;

2.3.5 providing strategic input to 番茄社区 Senior Management;

2.3.6 attending professional forums, conferences and seminars;

2.3.7 undertaking activities in support of teaching and learning, research or engagement and;

2.3.8 assisting in other areas of opportunity identified by the University.

3.  Duration

3.1 The duration of the appointment to the position of Vice Chancellor’s Fellow is for 12 months. Appointments will be reviewed by the Vice Chancellor at the conclusion of their term and may be extended in exceptional cases at the discretion of the Vice Chancellor.

3.2 Extension of a Fellowship would consider:

3.2.1 the contribution made by the appointee to the University over the period of initial appointment and include a specific statement on completed projects and achievements;

3.2.2 demonstration of the ways in which the appointee's activities have 'added value' to 番茄社区's teaching, research, strategic engagement, or professional activities and/or advisory support; and

3.2.3 he relevance of the current title or if the individual has demonstrated their suitability for an alternative adjunct or other appointment.

4.  Use of Title

4.1 Those people who have been appointed as a Vice Chancellor’s Fellow may use the title for the duration of their appointment.

4.2 The appointee does not have the authority to represent or hold themselves out to any third party that they act as agent, staff member or partner of the University or have power or authority to directly or indirectly to bind the University.

4.3 The title is conferred for courtesy and ceremonial purposes only. However, when attending at a conference, for example, on behalf of the University, the appointee may refer to their association with 番茄社区 through the use of the Vice Chancellor’s Fellow title.

5.  Termination

5.1 The Vice Chancellor may revoke a Fellow appointment:

5.1.1 in circumstances where an annual review process identifies that the anticipated contributions and the expected outcomes of the appointment have not been met; or

5.1.2 where it is in the best interest of the University to do so.

5.2 The appointee may terminate their appointment by giving the University two weeks written notice.

Related policy instruments

Honorary Appointments Policy


Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainHuman Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History

Version no.

Approval date

Implementation date


Policy Author

23-115/02/202315/02/2023Minor amendment to replace reference to VCAC with VCAG. Template formatting amendments made.Manager, Industrial Relations and Policy
21-121/05/202124/05/2021Procedure reviewed in light of the establishment of the Honorary Appointments Policy. Minor amendments made to align with the policy.Manager, Industrial Relations and Policy




Procedure established in light of amendments to the Adjunct Appointments Policy to establish the honorary appointment of Vice Chancellor’s Fellow.

Chief of Staff

Contact personManager, Industrial Relations and Policy