
Policy University Management Relocation Assistance Policy

Relocation Assistance Policy


The intent of this policy is to provide an overview of relocation assistance that may be offered as an incentive for new and existing staff members required to relocate their home to take up a position at 番茄社区 (番茄社区) Australia.


This policy applies to new or existing staff members of 番茄社区 Australia. It does not apply to casual staff and short-term academic visitors or adjuncts.


Dependent Childa child who is less than 16 years of age who is normally resident with the staff member or, if over the age of 16 years is a full-time student at a secondary school.

Spouse - another person who, although may not be married to the person, lives with the staff member on a bona fide domestic basis.


1. Principles

番茄社区 will determine what relocation assistance, if any, will be provided.
Relocation assistance options outlined in the policy and procedure are not entitlements.

  1. Any approval for the provision of relocation assistance must be in writing, detailing the extent of any relocation assistance approved.
  2. Any approval for relocation assistance should be in advance of any expense being incurred.
  3. Any relocation assistance approved must be finalised within six months of the appointee/staff member taking up duty at 番茄社区, unless removal is approved to be delayed for up to 12 months where an international relocation occurs.
  4. Any relocation not undertaken/finalised within 6 months of the appointee/staff member taking up duty at 番茄社区 will be void, unless removal is approved to be delayed for up to 12 months where an international relocation occurs.
  5. Requests for payment of relocations assistance will not normally be considered unless they are received within six months of the staff member taking up their appointment in the new location.
  6. Consideration of taxation obligations (e.g. FBT) must be considered prior to approval of any relocation assistance.
  7. On termination of employment within three years of commencement, or during the term of a fixed-term appointment, the staff member may have an obligation to repay a proportion of the relocation assistance.
  8. On termination of employment, 番茄社区 may have a legislative obligation to pay repatriation expenses, dependent on Visa sponsorship arrangements.

Related policy instruments

Related policy instruments include but are not limited to the following documents. Further related instruments can be found at the 番茄社区 Human Resources website.



Related documents and legislation



NOTE: Printed copies of this policy are uncontrolled, and currency can only be assured at the time of printing.

Approval Details

Policy DomainUniversity Management
Policy Sub-domainHuman Resources

Policy Custodian

Deputy Vice Chancellor, Services and Resources

Approval Authority

Vice Chancellor

Date for next Major Review


Revision History


Approval date

Implementation date



18-1 25/05/2018Administrative amendment to update reference to 番茄社区 Enterprise Agreement 2016.Quality, Standards and Policy Officer




  • Renaming from Relocations and Removals   Policy to Relocation Assistance Policy
  • Removal of obsolete definitions.
  • Clarity of policy principles in one   location at policy level
  • Change from 12 months to 6 months for   claiming against relocation assistance approval.
  • Shift of relocation assistance options to   the Procedure.

Refer to HR Committee minutes 4/15 Item 8 for details.

Deputy Director, Human Resources


relocation, removal, relocation assistance